

History with hidden mystery
Summer holidays were near and we cousins started planning to go somewhere . Finally we decided to go a village called Nagpur.As the name suggests ,it's the village known for snakes.We were really curious to know about the snakes. So we packed up and left for the village in our vehicle. We were five of us . We reached the village after 5 hours of journey . We also found a comfortable place to stay there. We also planned to start our work from the next day .But we had no little idea about the village . So we decided to visit the near by villager . The villager was a kind person and he treated us nicely. We asked him to say something about his village.Villager started to narrate the story behind that village . Long before , there lived a couple who were the great devotees of the snakes .They used to feed the snakes where ever they saw a snake.But the problem was they had every happiness except one thing .That was their child Vishnu.He had a problem that .............