

My Friend World (part 2)
So it is truth of my life that if I want something I never get it and 'something' here means my best friends whom I like the most with whom I can go out with ,someone whom I could tell my deepest secrets , and do the craziest things . So I got this type of friends many times not ones but unfortunately they get far away from me time to time .Yes that's true my all best friends are living far away from me and I couldn't openly tell her what's going in my life because mother always keep ear on my conversations even it was for studies.
So let me start with the girl who was my 1 at friend ,we used to go school together ,eat together, do homework together ,play together everything and she was not living far away from my house .But then a turn came into our lives she had to change her place far away from my place and this was not the biggest Barrier we somehow managed it and could meet regularly in school but that time no longer stayed with us .I had to change my school due to some serious reason and here we fall apart .
Now we could only meet after our school over and one thing my school was now 8 km away from my home so I reached my home lately due to which we only talked for 30 min and then we could possibly meet if we got time because now she is also some 11km far away from me but she regularly came to school so we just meet sometime like once in 4-5 days and I don't have any contact number through which I can call her so this is how my live's first and best friend get apart from me😔😔😔.
Wait this is not the end after that a day came when we got to know that we are going to same tuition ( actually this was the situation in last year) . I was so happy now we regularly meet in our tuition and sharing our experiences with each other, laughing, fighting and studying, we do all the craziest thing in that two hours and this doesn't effected our studies infact our skills get better and this happiness can't be seen by our destiny so it decided to put another barrier for us i.e. CORONA (****) this Monster really destroyed my life . I was so happy and now I am so bored anyways now our tuition is closed and now no more meetings between us .But this time I didn't made any mistake I had took her number this time and now I am talking with her daily.
She had recently gone through a dental problem and I am really sad for her but I can't stop laughing at her situation and teasing her by telling "ooh so is it was me who told you to eat those candies and chocolates all alone now suffer". 😂😂😂 .
Despite all this, I have to meet her and talk to her that what is going on in my life, what difficulties is going on , what has happened to me and also what is happening with her in this lockdown .I am really missing her and she is 11km away from me And I can't go to him because my parents don't let me go away from home even within 50 meters radius 11 km is very far and there is a problem that I have no means to reach him so this is my sad situation what should i do now tell me😔😔😔.

So friends this is my another part of My friend world and the situation I had described here is not happened once it happened many times .I will slowly describe what had happened in every situation because now by describing this I felt relieved because the things I write here I don't tell this things to anybody in my friend circle .Hope you all understand 🙂😊😊

© payal1417111