

streams 101

Been a bit since I saw fit
To sit and visit this blank page,
Release the rage as I burn sage
In this Candlelit room of doom.
The moon flew in- full and right on time
Surrendering her luminescent gift
It’s a flight for soaring eyes that drift
Into the sight of my mind…
Aligned by erroneous design?
The misfit in me-
Meets the helium heart in
Every part I play
and I see
That my words took a surprise swerve
So that they could
Curve around the edges of your smile
Leaving my nerves frayed
A gust of wind blew us into disarray
I pray we find our way to the place
Where dawn meets day
The dark side
Where I confide and do not hide
As the moon falls to sleep
In a heap of deep
Hues of purples and blues
That will bruise
The sky in a cacophony of all we never knew
Could be possible….
Should The structure
Of this word built rapture
Of a trap
be revealed
As we snap a memory
Sealed in and tucked in the crevices
Of our mind made messes
Adorned in
Less is more galore
Yet so much I adore
Render me a folk lore-
Or just a big old bore…
Just don’t shut the door
On your way out…
The labyrinth in me
Is the maze
I see in your far away
Glazed over gaze…
If you could,
I really do think you should
Leave the door open
Crack it a bit
For a future hack or
Or simply
A way back in
So we can begin
To lead the way
For the others
With similar troubles….
A random ramble
Led me to a gamble
In the road-
Switched my mode
Closed the blinds and
Pulled down the stairs that lead
Above the bend
Wounds may bleed heavy
But if you’re ready they
Slow mend and let the light in.


© fire_tamed_dame