

Important news, read it now
Today my huge discussion with @PawanBalli sir, who is on Writico and one of the best writers and poets. He has advised me many things which are more positive, helpful and beneficial for me as well as whole society.

He told me that don't post sexual or erotic posts which affects on the brain of people, also delete all these types of posts or poetries. Stop every bad activity which harm people's life directly and indirectly.

Write inspirational Quote, for the walfare of society and educate and inspire young generation.... there are also many things but I can't write much here. I hope you will understand, everything we discussed for the welfare of society.

Therefore, finally I decided to delete all sexual or erotic feel posts and also I want to give some suggestions to everyone. I don't want to spoil any girls life. Please stay away from me if you want to love with me, because I decided to run on the path which suggested by @PawanBalli sir.....

I want to stop any type of personal talk..., I am sorry to everyone, which mistakes happened by me in past. Now this boy has totally changed.

Note:— I am going to write Inspirational Quote and please come here only for reading inspirational Quote not for any other things else..... I also advise all other, please focus on your study and work, make your future bright.
Follow god and trust in God, do prayer and respect elders no body can stop you to be successful....

Thank you so much for reading this real story....
Also I am thankful to Pawan Balli sir
Not that much words in this world to thank you... thank for your great soul and personality... ❤️😔🙏
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