

History with hidden mystery
The sage looked the mark on Vishnu's
back .The sage came to know about the mark and said that it's related to Garud (enemy of snakes ). So the snake ran away from Vishnu. And even the sage said one thing about his grandfather's death that none of his family knew it. The sage said that his grandfather once had killed a snake to fulfill one of his deeds . After killing he had left the place but snake was badly injured. The snake was not an ordinary snake it was magical snake , before dieing it had given all it's magical spell to another and it to kill your grandfather .After hearing this Vishnu got startled. He wanted to know more about snakes ,so he decided to stay there with the sage and asked his parents to leave.Sage started to say everything that he knows about the snake. Snakes won't harm anyone as usual .If they get hurt they harm us.
Their magical power is in a thing called Nagmani.They can do anything with it .They can bring back a life from it . If we really pray them with a good heart and good deed ,then all our wishes come true . And the sage continued and told him many things about the snakes .After returning home ,he was totally changed .He started to pray snakes and offer them milk and everything he did what he could do. He became a successful people in his life . He had everything in his life but he didn't leave a day praying to snakes .Later he was the one gave knowledge to the children of our village .At that time the number of snakes in the forest near the village had increased .So, he changed the name of our village from Shanthipur to Nagpur (Village of snakes ).After listening to the history of the village ,we had our dinner and we slept .The next morning we all visited a mandir and offered flowers , fruits and milk. Later we took someone along with us to the forest and we learnt about many of the snakes and it's speciality . After returning from the vacation what we did was we wrote everything about our summer vacation and made a diary which was very memorable one for us. Till that day (day when the villager explained the story)we were scared of snakes but after listening to the story we became devotees .

A little long story friends , sorry for dragging it too lengthy .
My message from this story is none of the animals will harm you until they get hurt .So please don't harm animals.
Don't kill them .Let them to live .
And also live happily .Have Bhakthi towards animals as they are form of /part of God's.
Thank you for reading ..............
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