

Junior Astronauts' Epic Battle
It was the year 2021, and on a warm July 26th afternoon, my best friend Noah and I found ourselves sitting in our favorite spot, the playhouse. Suddenly, Noah exclaimed, "OH MY GOSH! LOOK AT THIS!" He beckoned me over, and I hurriedly joined him, curious about his excitement. He showed me a captivating notice displayed on his tablet screen. It read, "Do you have what it takes to be a Junior Astronaut, exploring uncharted territories in the vast universe? If you possess the courage to leave Earth behind and venture into the unknown, apply now."

Noah's eyes sparkled with determination as he declared that we were brave enough to explore other planets, and he suggested we apply. Intrigued, I agreed, thinking it was worth a shot. We diligently filled out the application, spending the entire evening ensuring it was done correctly. Finally, we submitted it, with the promise that successful applicants would receive notification via email. As the day turned into night, my mind raced with thoughts about the adventures that awaited us beyond Earth's boundaries.

The next morning, I awoke at 7:00 am, following my usual routine of breakfast and contemplating inviting Noah over. However, to my surprise, I received a message from him, urging me to visit his house for exciting news he couldn't disclose fully. I pondered the situation, realizing I couldn't go alone, so I asked my dad to drive me. Upon reaching Noah's house, he whisked me away to his room, where he proudly displayed another notice on his tablet screen. It revealed that we had been selected for the Junior Astronaut Program, set to commence in January 2022 at the USA Space Department. We were taken aback, considering the distance between Sri Lanka and the United States, but our families, recognizing the educational and thrilling aspects, supported our decision.

Time flew by, and soon it was January 2022. As we arrived at the USA Space Department, we were greeted with a sight that resembled an entirely different world. Unlike everyday life where humans toiled in various professions, robots were omnipresent here, alongside a few human workers. One of the robots approached us, welcoming us with a personalized message, "WELCOME SANUTHMEE AND NOAH. WE WELCOME YOU BOTH TO OUR SPACE DEPARTMENT. TRAINING COMMENCES TOMORROW." The robot then departed, leaving us in awe. Noah explained that it was a mandatory feature in the application process for the robot to know our names.

We were provided with special watches, personal guide robots, and our designated room. Amidst the tranquility of the night, our robot delivered a damaged note, barely legible, compelling us to read it. The note pleaded, "If anyone finds this message, please refrain from giving it to the evil Zephyra. We write to inform you that we are trapped, and there's something you must witness if you possess the knowledge to open a portal through the most advanced computer in existence, Cosmos. Please help us..." Noah and I were bewildered, unfamiliar with Zephyra and the concept of Cosmos. We continued reading, discovering that the code to open the portal was "adventures scific," and the location of the computer was charred, rendering it unreadable. We resolved to investigate further the following morning.

As dawn broke, we attended our training sessions after consuming energy tablets, as humans' regular food wasn't available in the space station. Among our activities, we were tasked with piloting a training rocket. While Noah explored the rocket's interior, he suddenly cried out, beckoning me to join him. I rushed over, only to be confronted by a foreboding notice that proclaimed, "Zephyra's Property. No kids allowed." Realizing the implications, we remembered the note and decided to enter the rocket to investigate further. Inside, we witnessed a lady engrossed in coding on the computer, attempting to open a portal to Europa, one of Saturn's largest moons. Frustrated, she exclaimed, "Argh! I don't know the code, you stupid computer! Open the portal to Europa!" It dawned on us that we held the code and resolved not to give it to her. Hastily, we retreated from the rocket and returned to our room.

We wasted no time in confiding in Nathaniel, a scientist and computer genius who happened to be our friend. He advised us to steer clear of the portal and invited us to meet him in the science laboratory. Leading us to a secret chamber, he revealed, "It's good to see you both, and there's something you need to know." Intrigued, I inquired further. He began, "In 2018, we created the most advanced computer in the universe, Cosmos. However, when Zephyra assumed control of the space station, everything changed. She demanded the secrets of Cosmos, believing it held immense power. We refused toreveal them, and she trapped us here, preventing us from communicating with the outside world."

Noah and I listened intently, realizing the gravity of the situation. Nathaniel continued, "Cosmos has the ability to open portals to different celestial bodies, including Europa. Zephyra wants to exploit this power for her own nefarious purposes, and we cannot let her succeed. We need your help to stop her."

Determined to assist our friend and bring an end to Zephyra's tyranny, we asked Nathaniel how we could defeat her. He explained that we needed to find the hidden backup generator that powered Cosmos and disable it, cutting off Zephyra's access to the advanced computer.

With a newfound sense of purpose, Noah, Nathaniel, and I embarked on a secret mission to locate the backup generator. We navigated through the labyrinthine corridors of the space station, careful to avoid detection by Zephyra's surveillance systems. Along the way, we encountered various challenges, including security robots and intricate puzzles that tested our problem-solving skills.

After hours of searching and overcoming obstacles, we finally reached a secluded room deep within the space station. Inside, we found the backup generator humming with energy. Nathaniel swiftly devised a plan to disable it while ensuring the safety of Cosmos.

As we executed the plan, Zephyra discovered our presence and confronted us menacingly. "So, you thought you could outsmart me? Foolish children!" she sneered. But we stood firm, knowing that we had the element of surprise on our side.

With a quick series of actions, Nathaniel disabled the backup generator, causing Cosmos to go offline. Zephyra's power over the space station crumbled, and the surveillance systems shut down. We had successfully thwarted her plans.

In the aftermath, the trapped scientists and crew regained control of the space station. Grateful for our bravery and resourcefulness, they commended our efforts. Nathaniel, Noah, and I were hailed as heroes, and our story spread throughout the space community.

With Cosmos under the control of its rightful owners once again, we resumed our training as junior astronauts. The experience had taught us invaluable lessons about teamwork, courage, and the importance of standing up against injustice.

Months passed, and we completed our training with flying colors. Finally, the day arrived when we were ready for our first mission as junior astronauts. Equipped with the knowledge and skills we had acquired, we embarked on a thrilling expedition to explore the mysteries of space, visiting distant planets and uncovering the wonders of the universe.

Our adventure had only just begun, and we knew that the cosmos held countless secrets waiting to be discovered. With our heads held high and the spirit of exploration burning within us, we set off on a journey that would shape our lives forever.

And so, as we soared through the vastness of space, our hearts brimmed with excitement, knowing that we were living our childhood dreams and making a difference in the universe.

© H.L Sanuthmee

(This story was written back in 2022 for a school assignment. And the teacher never graded this. So today I took it and edited it and here I am publishing it through @Writco
I hope you guys like it. If you have any comments on this story please do comment them.)

#adventure #sciencefiction #Space #fiction