

Need divine guidance in dream?
Dreams are so unexpected, sometimes good, sometimes bad, sometimes horrible and sometimes guiding us with some deeper knowledge and message in few words, lines, books or in any other way. You just need clarity of mind to see it and understand it.

To remember dreams, our brain cells needs to be strong. And if you want guidance you can pray to God before sleep, to get divine guidance in your Astral visit.

If you don't remember your dreams doesn't mean you don't dream, it means, your brain cells are not capable to remember it.

By the way we don't need to remember all dreams, our focus should be on divine guidance, not hot boys & sexy girls😜 or other silly and Greedy materialistic things.

But ya if you are stuck and not able to come out from some relationship problem,business related problems, from your past or any critical situations, then you can ask for help to God.

•Whenever you feel you are in trouble or you need guidance in your life, you just pray to God, Holy Masters, Archangel Uriel and higher self for divine guidance and they will surely guide you through dream or some book or friend or relatives, I mean through any source.

•In the same way for divine protection you can ask for divine help, from Archangel Michael, for self and for your loved ones.

•For spiritual, Mental, Emotional and Physical healing you can ask for divine healing, from Archangel Raphael for self and loved ones too.

•Sometimes we get guidance in astral visit through our great Gurus (Spiritual Masters), Angels, Saints and Spiritually advance yogis.

To get divine guidance you need to pray just before your sleep and to remember their message you have to pray :

"God thank you for blessing me with your divine guidance for( particular matter your problem or confusion).
And Thank you for blessing my brain cells to remember your message, if you are guiding me in my Astral visit (through dreams).
And God if you are guiding me through another source then please bless me with the clarity to see it without confusion."

You have two options to strengthen your brain cells to remember your divine dreams.

First is Super Brain Yoga to balance your energy body and Chakras(energy wheels). It will transmute lower energy in to higher energy and this transmutation of upper and lower energy will automatically help brain cells to regenerate and developed. This yoga has power to improve your memory and balance your emotions.

Second is do meditation 🧘‍♀️ 🧘‍♂️ 😌, it will regenerate and developed your brain cells and will improve the condition of your Spiritual body, Mental Body, Emotional Body, Ethric body and Physical body too. Meditation will help you in all the aspect of your life.

If you will do both, its like cherry on cake🎂.

It might be difficult for teens to turn in to meditation and Spiritual life, but every young body is creator of beautiful and meaningful future. And they should try to understand this truth. And it doesn't mean that, you have to leave your fun, enjoyment, money or friends, girlfriend or boyfriend or your social life and your family to enter in spiritualy.

You just need to put your first step into it, and everything else will be handled by Supreme being.

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© Mystic Rover