

A Hero Ablaze (Part 1)
It was 6 in the morning when Levoi, protector of the kingdom Lore was reported to King Rion.

Levoi: Sir, what is the reason I was reported?

King Rion stands from his throne.

King Rion: The wizard has came to Lore- to collect the skull of Milgrai.

Levoi: But I have yet to slay him!

King Rion: That is the problem, boy. That is why we called you. If Milgrai isn’t slain by 3, he will kill you and me brutally.

Levoi, in shock, staggered back.

Levoi: But sir, that wasn’t the treaty. You promised that we would slay Milgrai and if we didn’t, he can kill one of us.

King Rion: Yes, that was the treaty, but such troubles since has altered it.

Levoi: That bloodthirsty fool.

King Rion: Keep your words respectful in my palace.

Levoi glares at King Rion then turns and walks out of the palace.

King Rion: Be back at noon.

Levoi unsheathes his golden, dragon blood stained sword. It’s name is Goldilock.

Levoi: Goldy, your in for a real treat today.
© LeoAtSunset