

The Shadow Haunter


The Kitty Cat

It was a breezy winter night, and I sat on my balcony, enjoying the cool night air.

As I gazed out into the darkness, I noticed a figure standing outside near the bushes. It was a man, wearing a dark hoodie that covered his face from the moonlight.

At first, I felt a surge of fear, my heart pounding in my chest. But as I watched the mysterious figure, a strange feeling washed over me. It was as if I was drawn to him, as if there was something about him that called to me.

The man stood there for a few moments, completely still, as if he was lost in thought.

Then, slowly, he turned and looked up at me. Even though his face was hidden in shadow, I could feel his gaze on me, piercing through the darkness.

Feeling a mixture of curiosity and trepidation, I hesitantly stepped closer to the edge of the balcony, my eyes locked with his.

I could see a glimmer of sadness in his eyes, a depth of emotion that stirred something within me.Without speaking, the man disappeared from there.

I don't know what feeling emerged in me, but seeing his disappearance made me feel a little sad. With a sense of sadness, I returned to my bed.

Lying on my bed, lost in thought, I instantly fell asleep.


(At midnight)

While sleeping, I heard a loud doorbell at midnight. I woke up instantly from fear.

I slowly descended the stairs, trembling with fear and excitement.

Upon reaching the door, I opened it and found nobody. Thinking someone was playing a trick on me with the doorbell, I was about to retreat, but then I noticed a single red rose laying on the floor. Since there were no thorns, I had a feeling that someone was stalking me and trying to initiate a conversation.

As a smile formed in my face thinking how long will that Kitty cat hide from me . As I closed the door slowly to continue my sleep mode.


(After a week)

Every night, I find a single red rose placed on my doorstep.

At first, I thought it was a sweet gesture from a secret admirer.

As the days went by and the roses continued to appear, I started to feel uneasy.

One day, I came home very late after chatting and playing with Danya. I was so thirsty that I went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water, and there I found a red rose sitting on my kitchen counter.Bewildered, I looked around the room, half expecting to see the Kitty cat lurking in the shadows.

But there was no one there. Despite my fear, I was curious. The next day, I decided to set up a camera in my kitchen to catch the kitty cat in action.

The following morning, when I checked the footage, I was shocked to see a figure sneaking in through my window and placing the rose on the counter before disappearing into the night.

Terrified, I called the police, but they were unable to identify the intruder. Feeling helpless, I decided to take matters into my own hands.

I stayed up all night, waiting for the kitty cat to return,And he did. As soon as I saw the shadowy figure creeping into my kitchen, I confronted him.

To my surprise, the kitty cat turned out to be the man whom I had encountered the other day on the crossroad.

As fear emerged within me, I took a step back from his icy gaze, which emanated an aura of danger.

With a tremble in my voice, I asked in a low voice, 'Who are you? What do you want? Why do you keep stalking me?'

He chuckled and moved forward towards me. As he came near me, he leaned towards my ear and whispered, 'What happened, little mouse? You were the one who insisted on meeting this Kitty cat.' 'And now you are afraid of me, I am very upset.'

As he whispered in my ears, I felt an energetic wave spreading all over my body that sent shivers to my veins.

In a trembling and angry tone, I said, 'Who said I insisted on you to come? And Who are you?Why do you keep on stalking me? What do you want?'

'Relax, little mouse,' he replied.

Even though I am afraid of him, there was a mixture of feelings in my heart.

A tender smile is trying to emanate on my face, but I am controlling it.

He continued to speak, 'My name is Zack. Why I am stalking you is because of your fiery determination in your eyes that makes my heart attracted to you like a magnet. I am trying to escape from it but I can't.' As for the last question, what I want is you, only you.

As he answers the last question, 'what I want is you, Only you',it makes my heart flutter like butterflies flying in my stomach.

'Okay, little mouse, I will see you later,' he says and gives a red rose in my hand and disappeared into the woods.

As I am excited because I encounter the Kitty cat who keeps on stalking me. I couldn't sleep at all, as I am eagerly waiting to tell all these things to Danya because she is the only one who knows all my secrets.


© Shafiya