

you reap what you sow
in that moment everything seemed unfamiliar, the sun wasn't as it was yesterday, it probably got tired of shining and sunk deep in the heart of emotional clouds that held tears for the pain of those living beneath.

people's hearts melted with hope, river beds and dry wells waited in anticipation for a tear drop from a cold hearted earth with the hottest temper, these were harsh times for all.

the ground was more broken than a Man who catches his wife in bed with a stranger, this dark body made of clay was in constant starvation, the fertile ground had bore nothing in years nor did it ever get horny.

today it lied low, bare; undressed from the beauty of colorful flowers that once clothed it during it's glory days, it too was thirsty for nature's touch to get it wet today.

every passing second their level of faith rose, now just above the neck, the past years have been drought filled, today many were ready and about to drown in a lake of their own expectations but drowning was a word unheard of in the years behind.

islands looked like mountains, river beds were like deserts with hardly any oasis, water was more scarce than platinum, to many a litre for drinking and cooking was all they could afford, it was a taboo to be seen bathing, one that looked like throwing gold in mud.

man and everything beneath the sun might have forgotten their own adage perhaps the ground did forget too, "you reap what you sow" but nature didn't forget and today it just fed them exactly what they have been sowing;

with no remorse the angry clouds Began to pour it's heart out, each drop was received by joy and cheerful screams, young enjoyed getting soaked while the old thanked the heavens with a prayer, yes a miracle was before them.

every passing hour the clouds got even darker, the rains had no intention of stopping, rapidly rivers began to flow again, mountains became valleys and still the rains showed no sign of slowing down.

for the second day it rained with the passion of first timers making out, their joy quickly turned to worries as water levels rose past most window sills, no prayer was strong enough to stop it invading their homes.

slowly household items began following the current then the owners followed suit, after weeks of a non stop downpour no one was left behind, house were nothing but a city beneath the sea.

for every tree cut, for every industry belt and for every green house gas they emitted, a just and fair trial was long overdue, in the court of actions man stood judged against the law of nature he broke, all were sentenced to death by drowning.
