

Walking same path.....
When you begin to believe that you have no value and that the things others say about you are accurate.
When you start to acknowledge that you have been slowly deteriorating for a significant amount of time without even realizing it.
When you discover the truth after enduring prolonged suffering because you were unaware and unable to see what was right in front of you all along.
When you encounter obstacles mocking you and ridiculing all your previous attempts to achieve success
When you find yourself still stuck on the same trajectory with no visible route to retreat without difficulties and exertions, it becomes apparent that despite your attempts, the prospects of reverting back to your former self are elusive.
It is evident that there is no alternative course that you can opt for this time, as you once again find yourself at the same crucial juncture where selecting one path signifies relinquishing the other.
Despite your reluctance, circumstances force you to make this choice, even though it may appear that you have been the sole decision-maker in navigating this particular path.
As you begin to contemplate, you question whether this was your predetermined fate or if you unintentionally ruined what could have been a magnificent outcome.
Through foolishness, you rejected the path leading to greatness and instead opted for a misguided choice that led you towards a state of suffering.
© PradnyaBhide