

One cup of cheesiness
It's been One year for today I've been crushing ;scratch that,loving him but till now he doesn't know me not even glance at my way.
It hurts,that he doesn't even acknowledge me when I stand before him at the cafeteria que,when I sit just before him in the class,and where not.

As i was drowning in my going- to drawn ship,i didnt know when I reached the library.You know library is another heaven on earth.My Olympic-marathon-running brain gets ease when I dip in the mesmerising world of wonderful words.

I stood up after placing my bag and notepad on the desk,and made my way towards the bookshelf.
Halfway through my search, my eyes reached the bullseye.Because on the top shelf stood the romance &thriller section,and took the book named'My lust and love,only yours' , written by black Rose.
But when I stood on my toes it's still not reachable,the shelf seems too high. I immediately scanned full over the library.
No one.Good.
I started jumping like a monkey,up up up.
Breath in. Out.
Final jump.up.
Felt a bolt through my body.Whoosh.

That's when I realised while my monkey jump,someone took a good of my hand .And that someone is the one-year- old (crush duration)crush of mine.
My hearts lub-dub is on full duty today,they work hard on times like these,you know.
My head starts spinning.
"hmm..My love and lust,only yours?"he said in his deep sound.
My head.
My heart.
Are caught in between.
And subconsciously I fall into his chest,faintly hearing his too lub-dubs.
And I drift to darkness.
lalalala lala lala la .
To be -may or may not-continued.‎
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