

What is like to be in love?
I wonder what is like to be in love. In a way that you go head over heels. The against all odds kind of thing. The feeling that your world revolves around that person. Your eyes were blinded and see nothing but him. And the thought of making him happy is what you live for.

I want to give all the love that I can bear. Even it can never be reciprocated. Without asking what will you have in return. Without quantifying and comparing the love that you received. You freely lay all your cards and risk everything to be with the person you love.

I want to experience the thrill of being in love. Without precautions and restrictions. Tearing down the walls of your heart and never afraid to love again. You wouldn't mind being vulnerable and just let yourself fall. Stand up in the midst of challenges. And fight whatever it takes for the love that you believed in.

I want to forgive even after the heartache. Be courageous to try even after your failed attempts. Show forgiveness even they don't deserve it. Be in love selflessly and unconditionally. You may have a poor spirit yet your heart is contented. Your pockets are empty but your happiness overflows.

They say, "It is better to have loved and lost than never to have love at all." But, what is the essence of loving if you doesn't give a hundred percent. If you love for the sake of showing off. You keep loving because it's beneficial. How can you love if you are holding back? Have you truly been in love if your only option was to surrender? What is love if you avoid being screwed up?

I have been dreaming of loving until it pains to the core. The love that is meaningful, genuine and brave. Love until I have nothing to give. Love that will never question. And to love without regrets. Loving is like jumping off the cliff. You never know what lies ahead but, you choose to jump anyway. You simply choose to be with the person who mean the world to you. Loving is not a cliché fairytale with a happy ending. It is more than the butterflies in the stomach, racing heart beat and grand gestures. Love is a bittersweet tragedy. Love doesn't have to be perfect. And even if you try, it can never be one. Sometimes it's the other way around. It can make you nor break you but, who cares? What matters is for once in your life you have experienced what is like to be in love.
