

Below the Ground
The letter carried brief instructions: 'Meet me at the corner of the street', it read. But who was it from?

I put the letter into my pocket, not wasting a split-second to stare at it for longer. I tilt my head round the corners of the dark, dingy street, looking for clues as to who this letter was from. Nothing. Nothing anywhere… until I hear a crack.

‘CRACK’ I look down one of the streets and realise that an old, rotten wooden plank, covering a sewage drain has cracked, and on the corner of the street. I stand on the edge and look down, my feet trembling rapidly. I take a step closer. I fall.

‘Ugh’ I groan, as I pull myself up from the damp floor. I brush myself down. ‘Hello?’ I shout. A figure appears from the shadow…
‘Uhh… hey’ a male voice says in a soft, and rather confused tone. I completely zone out, not hearing him. ‘Hello?’ he says again. I snap out of it.

‘Oh- um hi… sorry about that. I-I kinda zoned out.’ I shrug, and then take out the now slightly damp piece of paper from my pocket and show it to him. ‘This yours?’ I ask.

he examines the piece of text.
‘Mhm, that’s it. I hoped you’d find it!’ he smiles. He comes into the light slightly more. I see his slick facial features; a chisseled chin, smooth pale skin, and messy blonde hair. He approaches even closer… 😏💀

‘I-I still don’t know where this is’ I tremble, looking into his eyes, not realising what he is holding in his hand…


© PositivelyNegativelyMe<3