

Dear Self
No matter what people think about you, never mind. Never let your life be defined by the opinion of anyone. Remember, the eyes on you are just watching of your downfall. Only few will rejoice with your success.
Do not be too open to anyone about your plans in life because if you fail they will just smile. Trust in God and be yourself, not for anyone to be pleased.
When problems attack, never give up. It is just part of your life. Be strong and courageous to face the challenges in life.
Life is full of ups and down. Set your mind on positive perspective even the people around you are negative.
If you are hurt, just cry but never think that you will die. Encourage yourself when no one does because every problem, trial and hardship will just passs by.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not in your own understanding, in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight.

Loving you,

© Emily_143