

When people say you can't..you say I can
People may say negative things about us. So we must not let anyone put us down in life. So when people say we can't amount to anything ..we must say we can! There is power in our thoughts and in our spoken words.

In my life I have been spoken about because I suffer from depression. I have been made to feel so inferior. I lost everything that I ever dreamt of having but I have realized that I have a light within me that shines brightly which is the light of Jesus.

Don't let anyone put you down in your life . According to medical statistics many people take their lives due to this issue .

So if we call a rose by any other name it will still be just as unique and beautiful as God created it to be. So to if we are called names we are still God's masterpiece ..because God created us in His image.

So don't let anyone or anything. put us down in life...We are wonderfully and fearfully made by God himself. Don't feel inferior, without hope and have a low self esteem because we are God's children. Our heavenly father is so beautiful ...so amazing and so caring and kind ..He didn't let anything put Him down ..even during His crucifixtion He still endured pain, suffering and humiliation just for us...so our sins can be forgiven and remember those who believe in Jesus will gain eternal life..

So my advice to you is ..his second coming will be real soon. So don't let anyone or anything out us down in life..So when people say we can't achieve our dreams ...etc ..we must say we can do all things through christ who gives us strentgh.