

Underlying Mechanism:
Muscle pain can arise from various causes, including overuse, tension, and inflammation. Muscle strain specifically occurs when muscle fibers are stretched beyond their limits.

Muscle pain can be generalized or affect multiple muscle groups. Muscle strain is usually localized to the area where the injury occurred.

Associated Symptoms:
Muscle pain may be accompanied by stiffness, fatigue, or aching sensations. Muscle strain commonly leads to swelling, bruising, and limited mobility.

Muscle pain can result from various factors, including physical activity, stress, and medical conditions. Muscle strain is often caused by sudden movements, excessive force, or improper technique during physical activities.

Managing muscle pain involves rest, gentle movement, and self-care measures. Treating muscle strain includes the RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) method, along with rehabilitation exercises.
What is Muscle Cramp And Muscle Spasm?
.Definition of Muscle Cramp:
A muscle cramp refers to a sudden, involuntary contraction of one or more muscles. It is often accompanied by intense pain and a visible or palpable tightening of the muscle. Muscle cramps can occur spontaneously or as a result of factors such as dehydration, electrolyte imbalances, overexertion, or certain medical conditions.

.Definition of Muscle Spasm:
A muscle spasm involves a sudden, involuntary contraction of a muscle or a group of muscles, which can result in a temporary tightening or rigidity of the affected area. Muscle spasms may be caused by factors such as muscle overuse, nerve irritation, dehydration, or underlying medical conditions.
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