

Lost connections
"They were so full of fun once
Now they don't care at all
I wish I had never met them? She expressed her anguish in broken voice...

"So ,You were happy once with them but not now?" I asked
"Ofcourse , Life was magical with them..but now everyone is busy... Every one left leaving a blank...I regret now .."She sadly said
"What is the matter of regert?" I asked
Regert of making them part of my Life.. they were there in my good days..now suddenly they hardly are available " she replied
"Clear one thing..They were there in your good days or Days were good because they were there??" I wanted clarity.
"Does that matter?" she lost in my question
"Of course it matters...You made connections with them coz you liked their company...Now there is no use of regretting the connection that brought you joy at some point in life. If it made you smile, laugh and forget the pain in life, it was worth it. Not everything is meant to last. People grow in different directions. It is okay. " I tried to explain.
"So what to do with my emotional connection....What to do with my disturbed mind and broken heart.How to make peace with my thoughts.I missed them a lot ..I cry at my loss." She questioned like a small kid.
"Don't grieve the loss, Rather cherish the memories.You are lucky you got someone who made beautiful memories with you and for you..
You yourself are not available for everyone all time..Do you??Or Can you??? I asked
"No.."she said with teary eyes.
"Then all your complaints, worries have no weight..Let them go and wait for new entries in your life..Like a tree waits for new leaves after the old leaves fall from the branches..."
I smiled when I see her smiling at my example.

© Geeta Dhulia