

EnD is not an eNd always ...... part 1
the end is unknown to everyone , but when one person can save other person , that is best feeling in this world . our choices are wrong sometimes , the love we gave to a person and inreverse we get the irresponsible and careless response .
it is not true that queen will be always saved by king , sometimes queen can be saved by a solider , or she has to be her own protector .
we all want a person , who shows care , love and always remain with us .sometimes we chose death as an option to get rid of all problems . the worst phase of life irradicate all the negativity of our life and change us completely . lets know about Alex and jinney ....... how their entire life changed ......... how they become used to each other ............ how they fall in love ........... how their love came to end .......... lets find who is guilty ? ..........
who is victim? and who is victimizer .
jinney , hurry up it is too late , you have to reach earlier to meet bella . jinney common get up bacha . Mom i m ready to meet bella , i m going ...... wait , do your breakfast first ... No mom , it will be late then .......
okay dear ..... reach on time .
you are always late jinney .... today also
i m so so sorry bella ..... i have to buy your favorite pastry from Andrew .... omg ! you are amazing jinney . Meet my friend Alex .
you both talk to each other i will give these pastries to mom .
Hiii ..... I m Alex .
Hello ...... i m jinney .
Nice to meet you jinney , i always want to meet you .
But why ?
Bella always talked about you , about your hobbies ..... i almost knew everything about you .
oh thats really wired ..... someone already knows about me when i m meeting him first time ..... Bella i m going to kill you .
Alex ..... continued the talk in which i not intrested at all . But for the sake of Bella i m tolerating him .
Finally party is over ..... we didnt talk to each other jinney...
i didnt want to talk , i m leaving .
what happened ?
nothing ........
Discuss with Alex .... bye .
listen , listen , listen ........
Dont be upset ...
plz stop ..... wait , wait, wait ............
oh no .... she will never talk to me now .... why i didnt tell her about Alex .
Jinney came home .... shut the door and didnt come out of her room ...
jinney darling what happened .... why are you upset and not picking the call of Bella .
Mom .... tell her i didnt want to talk to her ... i m not an open book whom she will discuss to every one .
Days passed , weeks passed ...... months passed jinney didnt talk to Bella .
jinney is a self esteemed n self centered , love her own company , loves nature , gardening , reading , painting , travelling , writting , singing ...
In her friend circle there was only two persons .... Bella and jo jo ( pet ) .
she felt heartbroken because Bella has discussed her life with someone she was unknown .
Bella tried alot to talk to her but jinney didnt ....
Now the only thing Bella can do is to go to Andrew .... she knew Jinney will talk to her only at this place . .
Bella decided to go there and see jinney there , with same pastry and espresso .
Bella entered , jinney saw her .
she knew , Bella is afride of this place ...
Jinney came out , hold bella's hand and hugged her ..... Are you okay ?
why you came here ?
i came for you .....
okay lets go to some other place ....
okay.. ......
Bella explained every thing ....... why is talked about you infront of Alex .
Alex is a good hearted person , kind , handsome , Nature loving .....
In his family , there were three brothers , Mom and dad . He is youngest of all .
At the time of his birth , his father ment with an accident and got paralysed for his rest of life . He always belamed himself for this . when i saw his condition ,,,, i know only one person who can help her thats you ... just like you helped me ...... to over come from troma .
okay .....
okay ....... i will help him . .
But i still upset with you ....
so sorry ....
I will meet Alex .....
lets eat our favorite ice cream together .....
cheers to our friendship ....
cheers to our selves ....
few days ago....... Alex and jinney meet , start with the basic conversation . every day they start meeting , talking to each other . Alex fall in love with jinney ....
jinney didnt like the relationships , she has her own troma with marriage .
Alex want to marry her but afride of telling her .... because he think he will lose jinney by telling this ...
they become good friends .... Jinney also like Alex . one day Alex told her .... they start there new phase ... they are now in relationship with each . they have decided that after completing there studies , they will marry . Days passed with happiness , exictement , and with each other they feel safe . They spent time with each other .Every day there love , repect and care increased .
after completing there studies , it was time to tell their familes about each other .
they decised the day. jinney was ready ......
Message came ....... i cant come ....... so sorry
i found my childhood love back due to you jinney ....
Thank you so much .....
you deserve best than me ...............
and sorry ....
we will remain friends always .......
jinney fell in the floor ....
Blood was all around ....
jinney shifted to hospital where she was in ICU ...
condition was critical
Bella cried , jo jo cried and her mom was scattered , broken ... praying for her heath ....
After a year she openned her eyes ......
Not remembering anything.
she didnt talk to anyone ....
reamain slient ...
seeing always from window .
Every one was afride ...
she just breath , eat and sleep ..

the end came with the end of jinney 's hopes , love .....
her soul died ....

And question was why ?
why ?
why ?

which she didnt tell to anyone ......

© Filliefortie