

New Story:

Snigdha and Renu friends since their third standard, after their marriages they got busy with their lives and finally met at Renu’s house. It’s been two years and the last time they saw each other was at Renu’s marriage. They both talked their hearts out on the topics they wanted to share for a long and spent their time laughing and cherishing.
Snigdha “Hey I forgot to ask, how are your in-laws?”
Renu. “They are fine.”
Snigdha, “So how are they with you?”
Renu, “They are cool and friendly people.”
Snigdha, “Nice.”
Renu “Ya….”, Renu seemed a bit hesitant to share something
Snigdha could not hold back and asked, “What is it?”
Renu, “They are good people, but somehow they expect more from me.”
Snigdha, “Like?”
Renu, “Every time we meet or talk, they keep saying one thing, “Be open and share anything you want and feel us like your parents.”
She took a pause and continued, “Our parents know us inside out, we take them for granted sometimes and we show our negative emotions with them and they don’t judge us. It is not the same with in-laws right, we cannot say or do whatever comes into our mind and the same applies to them as well, they also think once or twice before talking to us and do not say anything as they do with their children.”
Snigdha, “True, no matter how much close we are, there will be a line which we should never cross.”
Renu, “Exactly.”
Snigdha, “But the thick and thin of the line depends on us.”
Renu, “What does that mean?”
Snigdha, “I see this from a different perspective, your in-laws already know their son, the person whom they missed for around 25 years is you, and if they are making an effort to know you more, give it a try”.
She continued, “Our parents and in-laws accepted our lifestyles, decisions, and many more, and in these long-distance relationships, the one thing that makes our bond strong is “sharing”. Your in-laws want to know about you, like how you feel about everything, how you are coping up with everything and what you are planning to do in future.”
“They are not asking this to intrude in your life, they just want to be inclusive in your life. Once you start them feel included, they feel lucky to have you in their life.”
Renu felt a bit light-hearted, and glad that she shared this with her friend.
She turned to Snigdha and asked, “how you understood this?”
Snigdha, “Because I have seen my parents and my in-laws in the same boat as yours.”

© KommaS