

Society's concepts about rape
I really don't understand society's senseless concepts about rape. as when a girl is being raped,why people try to cutoff from her,why nobody want to talk to her,why everybody ignore her as she don't exist,why everybody mistreat her instead of that person who had raped her. how and in what way it was her mistake,why she is not going outside,why she is not living normal life as she lived before,why people are staring her,why her friends,her closed ones are keep distancing with her,why she is living whole her life without even smiling(“laugh" word has been removed from her dictionary by society),why everybody is expecting from her to be quiet,to be locked in a room,to not meet anyone,to not laugh( oh i'm sorry she can't even think about this word“laugh",it is crime for her),to not live your life as before,to be isolate.

it is looking like she is not being raped,she raped someone. is she any convict or criminal that everybody is trying to isolate her from outer world that if she'll go outside,she would harm people.

have you even sense about what you are doing with her as she is a criminal,a convict. if not,let me remind you society!! she is being raped,she has not raped anyone. and in this ,when it is not her mistake,so why you all are isolating her,punishing her,not let living her normal life.

but yes society! i agree, nobody can win from your senseless rules,concepts,conventions and methods so congratulations in advance,as you'll always win in every battle.