

The Hidden Truth In The Palacept2.
The king went back to the palace he was worried. Milla said to him self in a bold voice that king and his family must died the throne and the palace is mine. His wife heard him and said Milla why do you want to take the king's life and his family life? and the palace. Milla replied you speak like one of the foolish woman you are the most stupid and foolish wife i have ever seen. His wife said you can't take what is not yours. Leave the king and his family alone. Milla look at his wife with a angry face and loud tone. Oh i see you foolish woman don't want to live a luxury life style you just want to remain poor. Listen when i am ready to take over the palace if you are not with me you are against me. And if anyone stand in my way i will tear them into pieces like a cobra. If you know what is best for you shut your mouth. Stay out of my way woman. Milla walk away and went down to the spring and sit down thinking evil. He said to himself i will do anything to have that palace, the throne is mine. The king came to Milla's house his wife was on the vanderah the king said where is your husband? she said i don't know i was saying something to him and he get angry and walk away.
He told me that he was going to search for my missing guards. His wife said your guards are missing he said yes all of them. Milla wife replied o my gosh my king i felt that my husband are responsible for your missing guards.
The king said i don't understand what do you mean? when you said your husband are responsible for my missing guards.
As she was about to tell him her husband came back. The king said Milla you told me that you are going to help me search for my guards. Milla replied that's what i went to do but i didn't see anyone of them but i will keep searching.
The king said thank you Milla as soon as you see anyone of them tell them to come to the palace as soon as possible.
Milla said ok my king i will, you can count on me.
The king went back to the palace his wife said my husband do you see any of the guards he said no. His wife said where could they be i am worried this is strange. His wife went back to the room and went to sleep.
Night was falling on the Island the king couldn't sleep he was unhappy his mind was trouble. could someone kill my guards he said to himself i don't think they left and went back to their island. wait a minute i think Milla wife was trying to tell me something I must see her tomorrow. I don't understand Milla hec my best friend and he stop coming to the palace.
Something his wrong somewhere i must find out the truth.

The next day came the king went to Milla house. Milla wife said greetings my king. His your husband around she said no he is at work. He said do you know where my guards are? you where trying to tell me something yesterday but your husband came. She said to him my king i am going to tell you something but please i am begging you please don't let anyone know about it not even your wife. My husband hate you so much he wants you dead. He kill your guards he is evil. The king was shocked what you mean he kill my guards. Milla wife replied yes my king you and your family are next becarefull. Be wise protect yourself self and your family you need to see a native doctor for protection. please keep this as a secret to your self. The king replied thank you so much.
He went back to the palace with tears to him family he knows the truth now. And that he must act fast or he and his family will die. He said to himself how could Milla be so wicked he kill my guards how could he be searching for them. He was confused and was deep in his taughts. Could she be lying no this can't be true. He is my friend and he was always there for me. This is not true no i can't fall for the lie Milla his my friend.

Days passed away the guards didn't return to the palace. The king was still worried and hope for the return of his guards. Milla start doing more evil everyday to his king and his family the king wife woke up and couldn't talk she was dum. The king and everyone was shocked. The people in the palace said the is strange i don't understand what is going on. Jesus help us Lord do not let our enemies kill us. puria the king oldest daughter came from the room screaming her body was in sores she cries! bitterly. Everyone ran away from her.
The maids and the other people run away from the palace never will we return again this is a mystery they said.
The youngest daughter in the family die mysteriously weeping and mourning in the palace. The second daughter ran away from the strange things that was happening she said i will not return.

Milla was happy to see what was happening in the palace he laughed the palace soon will be mine. I am the next king i can't wait to be crown. people will have to bow down to me i will be rich.
My family and i will be rich the palace will be mine. ha ha ha ha ha he laughed with a loud voice i am the next king.

stay tuned for part 3
@shanae parry

© shanae parry❤️❤️