

A child climbs into a treehouse,shuts the door and lies on the floor.Her gaze is arrested by the billion stars shining proudly, through the narrow window bars of her house.She shuts her eyes and sends them a silent invitation to come down and illuminate her little treehouse.
As she holds a biscuit in her hand, she enters a castle 🏰
made of sand.The doors and windows are made of biscuits.She shows off her biscuit house to guests with explicit politeness.
A vase of roses 🌹 on the dining table holds her fancy,she daydreams and reaches a different world which only she can see.Queenlike she imagines herself perched on a swing of roses, eyes shining with glee,feet flailing merrily.

Imagination has no bounds,it can travel fast and take us to any place on the earth in a jiffy.
Requires neither reservation nor tickets.
Daydreams appear so real
even within the confines of a thicket.
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