

2B : Dad -passed away
>> A beautiful story from a wonderful place ..

Sad Dream

2009 :
Her late dad had a mysterious dream with some message.Little did she know that it meant that he's going to close his eyes forever...


She could recall when she was just 16 years old schooling in MR Junior Science College ..then she had a dream about her dad ..but vety vague..

Later on swhen she was in S Alam working in SJ ...one day she had forty winks ..the dream was bright but foggy .
..where she was brought to see one van....in one place..

It wasn't a normal van but a funeral van ..and she heard those folks were having a chat ,"Oh we know that there's one Imam..Allah has made ease to him to die ...the van that he came here to Cheras ..was the same funeral van that brought him back to his hometown to the grave ..."

It was afternoon , she suddenly woke up, shivering , she felt the dream was a bit heavy , she wiped her cool sweat on forehead .What a dream..No no I hope not my dad.He's still alive. she uttered in monologue .She wanted to forget it but time by time it came flashed before her thought.She never told anyone.

Dad rushed to see her cousin from Cheras in a village .He worked with one mosque in that area.No one dared to bring back a corpse alone except her own cousin, Abraham .He's damn brave .He drove alone from Cheras to Perlis finding the hometown of the demise in one funeral van about 6 hour drive .

Dad "I want to see your cousin Abraham , he's coming back He had sent the demise and kept in a grave in Perlis . Then he asked him " if you wanted to go together to one brother who owned an orchard of Jackfruits..It belongs to him and he dedicated fully for charity.He asked yr cousin to take and distribute to the people and the poors. She recalled tht 7 twigs dream ..about charity and one verse .
He was so pious ,so charming .
...... ..... .....
A few years back :
There're 7 twigs of paddy then it spread to 100 twigs flashed in her thought about one couple who owned vegetable farms .They gave her most of them to distribute to other people.

"Here take them .I sell with a cheaper price .Some you're entrusted to give to those people ."
"Ok I will InsyaAllah." She was so happy to distribute to her peers and others .
"Tell me about yr dream further ." said the lady. she said " We're on the verge of a divorce ."
She gulped she was also in the same boat. It was the taklik not to hit or..

"I saw your farm and one person was holding twigs of wheat or paddy and I heard someone said to my heart
"7 twigs of wheat spread to 100 ..and Allah will multiply according to His Will "
"means 7 times 100 times ...(mashaAllah)"

She went silent for a moment ..and then she continued "Here here take take more ..
I believe in true dreams too because I have experience the same too...so I understand. " ..the lady said .

She heard "How wonderful his heart.I wish to be like him.Just imagine how many gooddeeds he's gonna have"
Her dad always reminded her every night before we close eyes to sleep we need to count how many deeds we do and how many wrongdoings we did , make a self reflection add, minus , etc try to see which one weight more..Then repent.
My dad said " Please muhasabah (do calculation on yourself -self reflection ) every day " that was among his advices.


Brother Abraham uploaded many Jackfruits into the belly of the funeral van so the smell.of corpse washed away.Of course he had used watershoot beforehand.
"Ok my dear uncle , since I m returning to Cheras , why not just accompany me wth her.Next day we cld go to Putrajaya to ask for work relocation.

"Come on ! Hop in " Dad was so joyous .Haven't I told ya we alas manage to go to Putrajaya even with this
funeral van. "
So she alighted sitting to the left corner , her dad was sitting in middle while her cousin a driver .Now he drove back to Cheras to his own neighborhood.
Dad planned to ask for her to change workplace loc from one state R to one northern state Q. Since the cousin offered to jst tk the funeral van so the three of them went tgthr.

As they reached R&R Rest area , they dropped by to restrooms.
Weird eyes oggling on them and the funeral van at late night.They thought there shld be a demise in there.

Dad wanted to crack jokes ,
"Let's pretended we're crying.. Let's show our sad faces."
She was so shocked since she saw her dad never make childish jokes ,he was quite serious and funny but never like this.
So she and her dad showing sad faces because if not ppl mistaken if they are laughing while sending the dead to grave.
"Show serious and sad face .Don't laugh ok "
Ppl looking on the funeral van.
They're whispering tht these ppl taking corpse at midnight traveling across the highway .
A saying to her heart
"Doesn't matter what people say what matters is what Allah Says ".

to be continued ...