

My Savior

Doria, passionately attached to the blue depths of the sea and a free-spirited girl, fled her sea home with a broken heart due to a negative situation with her family and came to the seashore. Deciding to clear her mind by entering the sea, she didn't realize she was lost among the waves due to her distracted thoughts. Despite being a good swimmer, she began to flounder and was about to drown when a hand saved her. Marinus, a brave merman, took her in his arms and placed her in a safe place. While checking if Doria was breathing, Marinus also positioned her on her side (so that if there was water in her mouth, it would come out).

Marinus crouched next to Doria and saw her gasping for breath. His eyes were filled with concern, but there was also a glimmer of hope. He gently touched Doria's face, wiping the salty water droplets from her forehead. "Are you okay?" he whispered, his voice blending with the rustling of the sea.

Doria slowly opened her eyes and found herself in the arms of a stranger. Her gaze locked onto Marinus's deep blue eyes. "You... you saved me," she said with a trembling voice. Doria looked at Marinus and with heartfelt gratitude, said, "What is your name? I owe you."

As Marinus inhaled the salty scent of the sea breeze, he replied, "My name is Marinus," and then expressed his desire to know her name as well.

Looking into Marinus's eyes, Doria said, "My name is Doria," and for a moment, there was silence. Marinus noticed the sadness in Doria's eyes and gently asked, "Did you see or feel something before entering the water?"

Responding to Marinus's warm and reassuring gaze, Doria said, "Yes, there was," and continued slowly, "My family... they only cared about me in a material sense. They never understood the real me, my dreams, and my passions. That's why I had to leave home."

Marinus listened carefully to Doria's words and looked at her with deep understanding. "I understand," he said, "But now you're here, and you have a new chance at life. Like the sea, you are free." Marinus responded to Doria's skeptical look and took a deep breath, "Maybe I should tell you about myself," he said. "My story is a bit different. I am actually part of a people who live under the water. For us, there is a world where it is forbidden to surface. Contact with the surface world is taboo for us."

Doria looked at Marinus in astonishment. "Then why did you come to the surface?" she asked.

Marinus gazed at the horizon of the sea and murmured, "Curiosity. I wanted to see and understand the world of humans. And I saw you, struggling among the waves, and I surfaced to save a soul in distress." Marinus turned to Doria and said, "Perhaps, that's enough. I've brought you to a safe place, but now I need to return. My world under the water is waiting for me."

Hearing Marinus's words, Doria felt a pang in her heart. She wanted to spend more time with him, but she understood that Marinus belonged to his own world. "I understand," said Doria with sadness in her eyes. "I can't keep you here. You must go."

Marinus squeezed Doria's hand and said, "I won't forget you." "And I hope you won't forget me either. Maybe our paths will cross again someday."

And so, Marinus returned to the sea and disappeared into the water. Doria was left alone on the shore. As she watched the direction Marinus had gone, she realized the value of the short time they had spent together. Marinus's courage and kindness had inspired her to find a new direction in her own life.

Taking a deep breath, Doria looked towards the future with hope. At that moment, by the sea, she decided to be the hero of her own story. The next day, at dawn, Doria came to the seashore. In her hand, she held a ring she had carefully designed for Marinus. The ring had a complex and elegant pattern similar to the tattoo on Marinus's neck; it symbolized the waves of the sea and the breeze of the wind.

Holding the ring tightly in her palm, Doria scanned the horizon. She wasn't sure if Marinus would return, but she felt the bond with him was still strong.

As the sun slowly rose, Doria slipped the ring on her finger and whispered to the sea, "This ring is a symbol of the bond between us. Maybe one day we'll meet again, and I can give you this ring."

At that moment, a rustling came from the depths of the sea, and a shadow appeared on the surface of the water. Marinus emerged from the water and came to Doria's side. His eyes fell on the ring in Doria's hand, and he asked in surprise, "What is this?"

Doria extended the ring to Marinus and said, "This is a ring I made for you. It reminds me of you and the sea." Marinus took the ring and looked at it with admiration. "This means a lot to me," he said, and slipped the ring on his finger.

Noticing that Doria was about to leave the shore, Marinus felt he needed to do something. "Doria, will you wait?" he called out. "There's something I want to talk to you about."

Doria paused and turned back. "What do you want to talk about?" she asked.

Marinus hesitated for a moment, then spoke. "Just... I really enjoyed being here today. And I want to spend more time with you," he said.

Doria responded to Marinus's sincere expression. "I also enjoyed spending time with you, but I have to go now," she said, adding, "Maybe we can meet again another day."

Marinus replied, "Of course, I understand," and smiled at Doria. "Then tell me when it's convenient for you, and I'll be here."

Doria said, "Okay," and they set a day for their next meeting. Then, watching the sunset, she left the shore.

And so, Doria and Marinus parted with a promise to each other. Both were eagerly looking forward to their next meeting. After a few months, Doria and Marinus's relationship had deepened, and their bond had strengthened. At one of their meetings, Doria entered the sea to be closer to Marinus. Since the water was an environment they both loved, it was meaningful for them to talk there.

In the cool waters of the sea, Doria began to share her recent thoughts with Marinus. He listened attentively. During their conversation, Doria's foot suddenly slipped, and as she was about to lose her balance, Marinus quickly held her by the waist.

"I won't let you go," said Marinus, pulling Doria safely towards the shore. Doria felt secure in Marinus's strong arms. As Doria turned her gaze away in embarrassment, she couldn't hold back her tears and said, trembling, "I can't do it. I can't hide these feelings any longer."Upon seeing Doria's tears, Marinus asked in a panic, "What can't you do, Doria? Please tell me." His concern was evident in his tone. As Doria pleaded for him to let her go, Marinus's firm grip stopped her escape and drew her towards him. When Doria collided with Marinus's chest, all her resistance broke, and she whispered through tears, "Please let me go." But as she looked at Marinus's anxious face, she could no longer bear the pressure of her emotions.

"I love you," Doria said, her voice shaking. This confession was her greatest fear; to express such deep feelings and face the possibility of rejection. Marinus looked at her with deep compassion. He could feel her fear, hesitation, and ultimate surrender. As he approached Doria's lips, time seemed to slow down. While the world continued to turn around them, they were focused only on each other.

When he gently touched Doria's lips, a sensation like an electric shock enveloped them both. Marinus kissed Doria's lips first lightly, then with more desire. This kiss was like the union of two souls, both sweet and passionate.

As Doria stroked Marinus's hair, she felt the flames of love within her intensify. Looking at each other in the sea, Doria asked, "How will we overcome these obstacles?" "We will overcome these obstacles together, Doria. Our love is strong and resilient, like the waves that surround us. We will face every challenge hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder. Together, we can weather any storm," Marinus replied.

Hearing Marinus's words, hope replaced the fear in Doria's heart. As she caressed his hair, the light of love in her eyes shone even brighter.
One day, while Marinus's family was telling stories of mermaids, they spoke of a lost mermaid. As Doria listened to this story, a memory awakened within her, shaking her to the core. Suddenly, pieces of her past began to come together, and she realized that she was the lost mermaid.

Marinus knelt before Doria and opened a glowing seashell in his palm. "This is the most precious gift I can give you," he said. "This shell will reestablish your connection with your family in the seas."

Doria took the shell in astonishment and noticed the pearl inside. The pearl, a rare jewel that trapped light within it, had been brought from the deepest parts of the sea.

"This pearl will complete your transformation when you enter the water," Marinus said. "And we will be together, whether under or above the water, wherever we may be."

When Doria placed the pearl around her neck, her body was enveloped in radiant light, and she stepped into the water. In the water, her legs slowly transformed into an elegant tail, and she assumed her mermaid form.

Marinus extended his hand to her... Of course, let's continue with Doria and Marinus's return journey to their underwater home:


Doria gently held Marinus's hand as he led her to the calm waters of the sea. "Come," he said, "let me show you your true home."

Doria eagerly followed him. Underwater, everything was quieter and more peaceful. Marinus took her deeper, to a hidden cave once inhabited by mermaids and mermen. The entrance to the cave was adorned with colorful corals and sparkling sea stars.

As they entered, Doria held her breath at the beauty of the underwater home. The walls were embellished with pearls and precious stones, each corner reflecting the magic of life beneath the sea.

Marinus showed Doria every room in the house, each with its own special story. Doria realized that this home was not just a refuge but also a treasure. It was a place where she and Marinus would create new memories together.

---In their favorite corner of the underwater home, Marinus and Doria were away from the world, focused only on each other. This corner was once a place where mermaids sang songs and mermen told stories. Now, it was filled only with their memories.

Marinus turned to Doria and said, "Let's keep this moment just for us." "Here, under the water, away from the rush of time and the world, it's just you and me."

Doria found peace within herself with Marinus's words. By his side, everything was more meaningful, every moment more precious. "Yes," said Doria, "let's etch this moment into the deepest corner of our hearts." Doria's kiss was filled with a passion that came from the depths of the sea. As she approached Marinus, the sparkle in her eyes lit up the underwater world like a star. Their lips met, and they felt the warmth of their love for each other. This kiss was not just a touch but an expression of a bond that came from the depths of their souls.

Marinus felt an instinctual need to respond to the intense desire in Doria's lips. His kiss contained all the beauty and mysteries of the seas. As Doria kissed Marinus, her hands entwined in his tail, pulling him even closer. The two lovers shared a moment beyond time and space, underwater.

This kiss would remain one of the strongest moments in their story; underwater, in their special corner, away from all the chaos of the world, it was a moment that belonged only to them. And there, in that secret corner under the sea, Marinus and Doria said yes to each other. In the presence of the seas, two hearts united, and two souls bound together in an eternal love.
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