

Our story was clear as a crystal
I miss the day when we're still together
Why would this happen?
What happens...to us?

I was sitting in front of your house
Waiting for you to come
But seeing you with someone
Hurting me like I want to desist the pain I'm feeling.

I miss the day when we're still happy
I still remember how you smile,
I still remember how you laugh at your own jokes.

I sat in the corner of my house
Reading the love letter you gave to me
On a Crystal clear day
Raindrops were falling also into my tears, for you.

I was in front of your house
Waiting for you to come out to give my last gift.
But minutes, hours past
Raindrops were starting to touch my skin

On a rainy day, a cold breeze touches my face
I think I need to be selfish for just a moment.
I was about to stand and leave that place, but

Cold rain stop touching my skin as I saw a familiar pair of shoes.
I slowly lift up my head
My tears came out.

My knees were trembling but able to stand and face you.
I smile as I saw you but gave me a blank face.
I get your hand and give you my gift.

You stare at me confused
I took one step forward,
Kiss you on
your cheeks and say, "Thank you for everything"

I give my last sweetest farewell smile.
Turn my back on you,
Never turn back as I say the crystal clear word "I love you".

© A.G