

A key to heaven
The parcel that had arrived today, contained an old key and a list of instructions to use it. I picked up the key and started to wonder about this unique key .I was very much excited about it .I started reading the instructions and I found something that I was not aware of. That was the key which opened several doors .The door to success ,the door to future ,the door to happiness and so on. But the thing ,I found common for all the doors is my interest or my work .The god had sent me a hidden message with the parcel . But only I could understand it because it was not written . The hidden message was that everything -success , happiness & future everything comes to you at the right time but you must ready to face everything and should have a strong attitude and confidence. Really I just remembered that everything is in our hand itself and we must shape it on our own .As I got to know ,I named the key -"The Key that takes one into heaven". I suddenly woke up and found that it was dream .A Dream with a great message and a dream that changed my perspective towards the journey of life.😀

Our hard work and dedication are the keys to our own future .So we must work hard to achieve success and happiness. Every power is within us ,we must recognize it and use it to reach our destination.
#Truth of life #Powerofoneself #keytosuccess