

I followed my passions...But l failed,Writco?
She replied in surprise.

"My daughter,Devika is going to marry next year,after completing her medical education,Vishnu.I came to print the content for her wedding card
The boy is our Varun,he is a doctor now.."

After a pause she continued.

"Are you working here?"

then she glanced the surroundings.

I replied hesitantly.


"Part time?,She enthused.


I saw my feelings reflected in her face too.The wrinkles on her old face failed to conceal her sadness.

She tried to change the topic.
"Where is Vivek now,your elder brother?"

"Ma'am,he is working at Bangalore,at IT Park."

She replied.

"I can still feel those days,when doctor Vasudevan and Meena left you.Vivek was so strong and bold.He never let his young brother down.I had so much to study from both of you,even when I was your teacher.

"You are still kids for me."

I smiled.I concealed my emotions and went on with the typing work.My boss was back after his tea break.He assigned me the task of helping my teacher.


memories whizzed past like harsh breeze,as I rushed down the lanes of brain.

Varun was my rival in schooldays,the captain of red house cricket team,and the frequent feeder to my egos.I fought with him everywhere...

Soccer ground..Studies..Club Activities..every where.

Suddenly Teacher received a call from Varun.

She said she was at my office .She handed the phone to me.


Two boys teleported back to the old schoolground,face to face at the midline.


"Pleasure to talk to you buddy.Tried to contact you before,why aren't you active in any social media?

Surely take part in functions.."

After normal chitchat,the conversation ended abruptly as Teacher took back the phone hearing my repeated yes and no replies.

The boys in schoolground hugged each other as the mist of enmity evaporated to thin air.

The phone caller screen was Varun and Devika.They smiled at me from another side,or was it only my feeling?

To be Continued