

I'm kinda back ( hope so)
The Moon was so friendly. I could stay with her. I was so alone, with people around me. I was at my Sea, to can understand myself. I was alone, without my Poems, without my phone. My luck didn't like it so I couldn't stay to swim (from feminine reasons) but I like to stay alone, without having to speak with anyone. My parents get that I am an introvert and that I hate the people but is ok. I'm used to be see as a freak. Oh, you know is funny, some people asked me if I did suicide or if I am still alive. It was nice. But no, I am alive. But my Moon wanted to take me several times in this week.I almost died in an car accident, in , well, the Sea and I got very sick ( I am fine now). I taked many pills, that is why I had the problems sonner and I couldn't go in my Sea again. ( I could only a day) but I didn't like it. My Sea was kinda angry. Maybe because I was too but I don't show it. I keep it in me. Maybe that is why the people never really know me. No one. 🤷‍♀️ Idk
Anyway, my Moon is so beautiful and so kind, I wish that the Moon could be a person.

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