

City of Pangas P.1
(A Sextortion case story)

"I embarked on my quest in this dull metropolis. The "City of Pangas" where vices are praised and cherished. I ponder why people here are all clones, if you dare to dissent, you will be despised. "

The City of Pangas, with its neon-lit skyline and the cacophony of its night markets, was a place where anonymity was a currency more valuable than gold. It was here, amidst the clones of vice and virtue, that I sought the girl who reached out through the digital ether for help.

I found myself at the door of a dingy cyber café, the hum of old computers buzzing like a hive of bees. The air was stale with the scent of instant noodles and desperation. "I'm looking for someone," I said to the man behind the counter, his eyes barely lifting from the flickering screen.

"Aren't we all?" he muttered, finally looking up. "What's her name?"

I hesitated, the name a secret I was reluctant to share. "She's in trouble. Sextortion," I said instead, hoping it would be enough.

The man's eyes narrowed, a spark of recognition flaring within. "You'll want to speak with Lina," he said, nodding towards a shadowed corner. "She knows the web's whispers better than anyone."

Approaching the corner, I saw her, a lone figure surrounded by screens, her fingers dancing across the keyboard with a grace that belied the gravity of her work. "Lina?" I ventured, my voice barely above a whisper.

She didn't look up. "You're the lawyer?" Her question was a statement, her tone suggesting she already knew the answer.

"I am," I confirmed, taking the seat opposite her. "I received an email—"

To be continued...

© Atty. Catherine S. Pariño. 2023. All Rights Reserved