

A true friend
It was my birthday and I was in a hurry to go the temple ,as it was my birthday and also my first day in the college .I rushed into the temple and offered my prayer .While coming out I was hit by someone .When I turned I saw a beautiful girl who was asking sorry . I thought even she was in a hurry .I went back home and ate something and left for college with full excitement.When I reached the near college gate ,I saw the girl who hit me in the temple. Now ,I came to know that even she is a fresher like me .I entered my class and sat near a guy and we both introduced ourself.After a while the same girl who hit me also entered the class ,Oh! She is my classmate -I came to know now.We all were new to college .As usual ,in the first day it's full of introducing one another and saying something about us and our goals .I felt very boring after hearing to 2-3 of my classmates .As soon as the girl started introducing ,I started to listen with a curiosity .After she introduced herself.I don't know why , but my mind told me to have friendship with that girl.But I was a little shy person ,so I kept quiet. After a week , we were asked to do a team work .My friend who knew many of the classmates well formed a team of 5 including her .This project laid the foundation to open up a little .We 5 became friends and completed the project .We 5 started to share everything . One day she was walking alone from the college ,so I joined her .I started to ask her about her past life and all .She told me everything . And even she knew that I was a kind of shy and hesitating person . She told me that if you don't go forward you will remain always back .Her words had a sown a kind of inspiration in me .Our friendship continued .She made me what I am today .Now ,I won't fear to talk ,go forward or take leadership . More than that now I would like to take the leadership myself . My old friends ask me,is it you ? And now even my parents are proud of me . And in my life she is not only my best friend but also a goddess who planted a seed against my fear ,hesitation and made my life beautiful .I always thank her for coming into my life . I like new me than old me .

Proverb -A friend in need is a friend in deed.
A friend (girl ) ,she will care you like her brother and look after you like a mother and will always guide you in a right path .Even having a friend (boy) will also care you /look after you also fight for you .Be a good friend to those who is ready to be with you and don't lose such Friends. Having a lot of friends is common but having true friends is really a boon.
F - Few
R- Realtion
I - in
E - Earth
N - Never
D - Dies
This is applicable only for a true friend.
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