

Notes On Self-Compassion
We must learn to give ourselves the love we freely give to others. We must first tell ourselves the beautiful words we tell or plan to tell our significant other.

What is love if we can't love ourselves, what is empathy if we can't empathise with ourselves. We give others the best part of us, and leave the dredge for ourselves, forgetting at our lowest moments, we have only ourselves.

We should be compassionate with ourselves, we shouldn't be our own worst critique. I understand trying to beat ourselves hard, so we can become the best, but, sometimes, a little compassion goes a long way.

Accept and appreciate yourself. love every mark, stripe, folds and rolls on your body. Learn to love your body, your packs, abs or drum, or whatever shape your body is.

Be compassionate with yourself, forgive yourself, learn from your mistakes and grow from the lessons. Mistakes are bound to happen, it's not the end, be self-compassionate.
© Toobrightanthony