

Unblessed Love
"A love that’s pure, yet not meant to rule."
—Flynn Caulfield.


Alex and Ben were inseparable from the moment they met on the first day of kindergarten. They were both shy and quiet, but something about each other drew them together. As they grew older, their bond only deepened. They spent countless hours exploring the forest behind their houses, building forts, and sharing secrets. They became each other's confidants, always there to lend a listening ear or a comforting shoulder to cry on. People often remarked on their strong friendship, and they couldn't help but smile at the thought of how lucky they were to have found each other.

Throughout their teenage years, the two boys faced the challenges of growing up together. They experienced the awkwardness of puberty, the ups and downs of school life, and the angst of trying to figure out who they were in a world that seemed determined to put them in boxes. But through it all, they remained by each other's side, offering unwavering support and endless understanding.

Their friendship was more than just shared experiences, though. It was the way their laughter filled the room when they were together, the way they could have entire conversations without uttering a single word. It was the gentle touch of a hand on a shoulder, the way they knew what the other was thinking before a word was spoken.

As they entered their teenage years, a shift began to occur within Alex. He started to question his own feelings and desires, realizing that he was gay. It was a secret he kept hidden, unsure of how his best friend would react. He didn't want to risk losing the one person who meant everything to him.

And so, Alex remained silent, burying his true self deep within, afraid of what it might mean for his friendship with Ben. But little did he know, Ben was harboring his own secret. He had slowly come to realize that his feelings for Alex went beyond friendship. They were feelings of longing and affection, desires he couldn't quite understand or explain.

So, for now, they remained childhood friends, unaware of the unspoken love that intertwined their lives and would shape their future.


As Alex entered his teenage years, he felt a growing sense of confusion and unease. Thoughts and desires he couldn't fully comprehend swirled within him. It was a secret he kept hidden, afraid of what it might mean for his friendship with Ben. Alex spent countless nights lying awake, grappling with his identity, trying to understand who he truly was. He searched for answers in books, online forums, and whispered conversations with others in the LGBTQ+ community. Yet, even as he gained a deeper understanding of himself, he couldn't find the confidence to share his truth with anyone, especially not Ben. The fear of rejection and the thought of losing his best friend loomed over him, casting a shadow on his every interaction with Ben. Alex noticed a shift in Ben's behavior as well. He became more attentive, more affectionate. There were stolen glances and lingering touches that made Alex's heart race. But Alex couldn't bring himself to entertain the idea that Ben may have feelings for him. It was easier to believe that it was nothing more than friendship, that he was misinterpreting the signs. The thought of losing Ben was unbearable, and Alex convinced himself that it was better to have a best friend than to risk everything on the possibility of something more. And so, Alex kept his heart locked away, shielding it from the possibility of rejection, unaware of the torment Ben was experiencing on the other side of the unspoken divide.


The weight of unspoken emotions had become too heavy for Alex to bear. After weeks of internal struggle, he finally gathered the courage to confess his love to Ben. They found themselves alone in the comfort of the local park, their usual place to escape the world. The sun was setting, casting a warm glow on their faces as they sat on the familiar bench that had witnessed countless conversations over the years. Alex could feel his heart pounding in his chest as he mustered up the words he had rehearsed in his mind a thousand times.

Taking a deep breath, Alex turned to Ben and spoke with a tremor in his voice. "Ben, I need to tell you something. Something that has been consuming me for so long." Ben, already sensing the gravity of the moment, gave Alex his undivided attention.

"I'm in love with you, Ben," Alex finally confessed, his voice trembling with vulnerability. "I have been for a while now." The admission hung in the air, the silence stretching between them. Alex's heart raced, fear and anticipation intertwining in his chest as he awaited Ben's response.

With an expression that mirrored Alex's bravery, Ben looked into his eyes, his own emotions laid bare. "Alex," he whispered, "I love you too."

The weight that had burdened them for so long was instantly lifted, replaced instead by the exhilaration of shared feelings. In that moment, they both knew that their bond was stronger than society's expectations or the fear of rejection. They were partners in love, ready to face the world together.

Their conversation continued long into the night, as they exchanged stories, dreams, and hopes for the future. It was as if a dam had burst, and all their deepest secrets flowed freely, each revelation drawing them closer to one another.

As the moon rose high in the night sky, Alex and Ben made a promise to themselves and to each other. They vowed to cherish their love, to embrace it fully, and to never let anyone or anything tear them apart. Their newfound love, once unspoken and hidden, had finally been given a voice.

But their happiness was short-lived. A week after their confession, Ben's parents discovered their secret relationship. Bound by their conservative beliefs, they refused to accept their son's truth, viewing it as a disgrace. They demanded that Ben end the relationship with Alex, threatening to cut off all support and disown him if he did not comply.

Ben was torn between his love for Alex and his fear of losing his family. The battle raged within him, but ultimately, he chose to break up with Alex, believing it was the only way to salvage his relationship with his parents. With a heavy heart, Ben met Alex one last time in their secret place: the same park bench where they had bared their souls to each other.

Tears streamed down their faces as they held each other tightly, unwilling to let go. "I love you, Alex," Ben whispered through his sobs. "Please understand, I have no choice. I can't risk losing my family."

Alex nodded, his own tears mingling with Ben's. "I understand, Ben. I'll always love you, even if we can't be together."

And just like that, their love was shattered. They walked away from each other, the pain of separation cutting deep into their souls. Alex went on to build a life that, on the surface, appeared fulfilling, but inside, he was forever haunted by the love he had lost.

Years passed, and the ache in their hearts never ceased. They carried the memory of their love like an invisible scar, a constant reminder of what once was. Alex became a successful writer, pouring his emotions onto the pages of his novels, hoping to find solace in the stories he created.

But deep down, in the cobwebbed corners of his heart, nothing could fill the void that Ben had left behind. And although their paths never crossed again, Alex never forgot the boy who had held his heart so delicately, and the forbidden love that had changed their lives forever.


© Flynn Caulfield

#writco #Love&love #difference