

Easter is Here: Enter Good Cheer
It's Easter Sunday, let's celebrate because Jesus Christ is alive, and He washed away all our sìns, all the angels have been descended and celebrating, all of the people are cheering, Jesus Christ has been resurrected from dead, He'd saved us from all our sìns, let's be happy and enjoy this day, because God is great all the time, let this day be filled with love, gratitude and happiness.

May you find the love within yourself this Easter not just on Easter but every day, may you find the peace and happiness that you're longing for, and may you find that life is so beautiful, the beauty of nature's surroundings feel warm and better, rainbows and sunshine as happiness, may you be always kind and loving to your family and friends because they are always there with you, and may you find the strength not to hold onto the things who aren't for you.

Kindness and loving are what we are spread for, may you be kind to yourself always, may you love yourself always, that anyone who tries to harm will never succeed, as your journey to this life be completely happy and full of contentment, that even though your in pain may you inspire others to live more and be thankful to the almighty God always, maybe life has been excruciating pain to you and may not be the hindrance for you to be a better person as you are today.

On the last day of the Lenten season may you reflect on the sufferings of Jesus Christ for us, may you look forward to a better life because God has made them, and may you find serenity always, spread love, sunshine and happiness because that's what who you are, spread God's word every day, live the moment now not tomorrow or next time but today because regret is a tragic thing and make the most out of it every day because tomorrow is not promise.

Title credits: Michael

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