

The Lost Project ch. 2

Chapter 2 - June 23-30 2027, Alathia
Some people might think we made the wrong choice to run away to Vera’s house, but we had to for no one would believe us. While we were there, we celebrated her birthday, as well as calling her brother to say happy birthday too. On the 24th, We all got her a game each, one for xbox, one for nintendo, and one for playstation. Right after we gave them to her, she got a phone call from the police, asking if she had seen us in the past week and that they were coming over to check in a week.

She looked at us, giving a signal to go

We ran to the camper and speed off, to our next destination,
Sorrel’s house.

You think that we would tell him before we got there, but we never told him. While on the road, we checked a system to make sure police never called him, even though the police didn’t know Sorrel was part of the family, like Verla was. They never called him, or any of the other family on that side, so we were safe to go stay with them for a while.

We got to his house in a day or two
On the 26th of

Instead of being found out by Sorrel’s work, he would help us hide at his house for a few days, and to have us fly out of the country later at the end of the month. We asked where he was sending us, but he didn’t want to say anything about where we were going.

On the 28th, we left for the airport.

We were given our tickets, which was for a plane that can take our camper too. We went through security and got our camper onto the plane. Then, we set off. By now we knew where we were going, which was Germany, and that was nice because we knew some german. The plane would take a few days, and land on July 1st.

© LinkThe2394