

Stories behind words:- Chauvinist, Ceiling and Argus-eyed
The word "Chauvinist" is derived from Nicholas Chauvin who was a loyal French soldier. He was a devout admirer of Napolean Bonaparte. Even after the inevitable defeat of Napolean in the " Battle of Waterloo", gravely injured Nicholas did not stop glorifying him. So, the 'Chauvinist' word derived from this Napolean's soldier Chauvin means 'a person displaying aggressive or exaggerated patriotism.'

Similarly, the 'ceiling' is derived from the French word 'Ceil' which means 'sky.'

Argus was a demon who possessed a hundred eyes. Some of the eyes were always opened, even during sleep. So, we can deduce the meaning of the word 'Argus-eyed'. The meaning of Argus-eyed is vigilantly observant.

I have discussed the stories behind these three words. I will further discuss the unheard stories about words in the upcoming days. I think it is quite interesting to know the origin of the words or where these words are derived from.