

Vengeance (28)
"So I pronounce you husband and wife"

Trance broke for Felicity as everyone clapped. Roger leaned in and gently pecked Felicity's lips. Felicity bit her lip and walked out with Roger while hand in hand. She threw her flowers to the crowd. A girl caught it and giggled. Felicity prayed

I hope you get married to the one who loves you a lot.

The newly wed couple was escorted to the car. This car took them to house. No one was there to welcome them. It was strange. Maisie escorted her to a room. It was small yet spacious.  

This will be your room from now on

But this isnt Roger's room

Maisie gave a disgusted look and held onto Sofia's hand harshly

Deal with it. Do you think I can let a woman like you lay a finger on him? This is just a formality. Be thankful that he was kind enough to marry you and save your company.

Those words hit Felicity like a truck. Maisie left with a bang leaving alone Felicity with her demons. Felicity sat on bed. 

This is it

Felicity took off her earrings and shuffled through wardrobe. It had everything. The room was well lit and equipped with everything except anything helpful. She changed into comfortable hoodie and sweat pants. Cool evening wind was blowing being mischievous with the garden plants.

I need to step out for a moment.

Felicity tried to open door but failed. She tried again but nothing added up. Frustrated she slumped on bed as scene from sometimes ago played in her mind. 

Do you think I can let a woman like you lay a finger on him? 

What is the meaning of phrase woman like me? I havent committed any sin. Judgmental people will remain judgmental. She turned on TV. Stopping on one news channel her eyes widened. She stood and shuffled through channels. Emily shot herself infront of their company in protest to their marriage. She died on the spot. Felicity sat there holding onto her breath. Tears fell from her eyes. She didn't know whether to be happy or sad. It was un usual; technically Emily shouldn't be doing it. She had a visible edge in court. She got up and started beating door. After sometime it opened revealing Tom. Sofia yelled at him:

Why? Why Emily?

She served her purpose well. She wasn't needed anymore.

Felicity held Tom's collar and growled. 

You will pay for this one day.

Pfft save yourself girl. Police came to look for you but it was me who saved your sorry self. It was me who forced Roger to marry you. Other wise litter like you is worthed to be thrown under a bus. Now keep quiete like a good girl. This is a pretty little room to spend your rest of life. You are lucky that i am kind.

Tom pushed Felicity away and closed door again. Felicity sat there in disbelief holding her breath. Life ran infront of her eyes like a film from childhood till now. Emily why? You werent that foolish. So why you got used by them? She felt voices laughing. Slowly and gradually it became that loud enough she was on floor kicking in air telling them to shut up until she passed out. 

The refreshing aura of Sun is gone
And sweet warmth of sky faded

The cool breeze is no longer fun
And the sweet scent isn't pleasing

Love and warmth is gone hollowness prevails
Words and life lost their flavor

Darkness smiles as light as light cries
Lost eyes, silent lips, burning heart, perplexed mind

Oh my dear devil where you disappeared to
Your angel is lost without you

Ironic tragic screwing reality Dawns
As you realise worst kind of pain is loss of sister

May the whole world burn I dont care the less
May I lose everything I dont want anyone

Just for once come on girl get back to me
Lets skip back to our childhood this reality is scary

Days passed. Felicity lied there on bed. Wailing for lost; shedding tears. Some might call her sick but she was like that. Once her heart got entangled with any soul there is no way out. Last time she wept like this when Min death news came in. It was just another day when Maisie came to give her food. Felicity held onto her head with swollen eyes and pleaded her in hiccups. Maisie melted at this. She hugged and comforted the elder. Deep down she was worried how things were going down in dump for both of them. She went away with a promise to send her Stacy with her keyboard. 

Next day beyond Felicity's expectations Stacy was standing in-front of her door. Felicity pulled younger and cried for hours. Stacy gently comforted the elder. Those cries were heart wrenching to hear. She consoled elder and fed her. Felicity felt light as feather in Stacy's embrace. She placed her head in younger's lap and dozed off. When it was assured she was sleeping. Stacy gently moved her to pillow. She took a paper and pen jotted down a letter. She left after placing it gently under her pillow.


Hi! Sorry ik its filler but more is yet to come i will try to update more life is a bit messy ever since I started new communities. Semester isnt kind. Plus I am also preparing for second internship keep me in your prayers. Than you for reading. Saranghae ❤
© Real_Ghostie97