

Kismat Konnection ❤❤ (Part-5)
At that very moment I start thinking that may be mine and raghav relation start mending slowly,but my all hopes gets shattered at the very next moment when raghav told me that he saved me because of humanity,nothing else...after this incident we both move ahead, after finishing our work we both returned back the very next day, though I want to stay their,I want to spend sometime with raghav but he don't want that so with no other choice I had to return back with him...post this trip many times my destiny brings me and closer to each other like because of rain or because of holi and many more...For me,I lived up my entire life in that small small moments with raghav...but for raghav it is only a game which he is playing with me to destroy me but was it necessary no,its not...if he had told me for even once na that kalpi just kill yourself then for him I had lovingly killed himself,their is never a need for him to do such cheap things...but when everything wents out of control and I couldn't able to control myself anymore, at last finally I too took a stand for myself,I too answer back to everyone whoever tries to insult me,taunt me and moreover tries to defame me,its a high time for me,I decided to part away from raghav whether he wants or not I don't care but before parting away I told him that I had forgiven him and his family for whatever they all did to me,I know they never cared that whether I forgive them or not but for me its necessary,very necessary to move on in my life, to had a best present and better future its necessary for me to forgive them and I did the same...I know whenever they gets to know the entire truth they will regret, surely regret but that time I won't be with them or may be I don't want to be with them,I want them to die every second for their life like I had died but still whatever my life gives to me,it always taught me lots of lessons that never trust or love anyone blindly because if you do then you will only get pain, always took a stand for yourself no matter in which condition you are,always tries to mend your relation but still if that relation hurts you,gives you pain then its better to walk out of it and move on and most importantly never depends on anyone that much that without them you can't even take a step ahead...not like always this time my destiny gives me a reason to get happy,soon raghav and his family gets to know about the entire truth,they all regret a lot and want me back in their life's but this time I don't want that,I want to live my life alone this time...raghav tries hard to win back my love and trust again but will I ever able to love and trust him again,no never after all his lies never,the equations which we both had earlier had lost somewhere...for raghav I had always been a toy with whom he can play whenever he wants or can throw away whenever he doesn't have mood but now I want to show that I am not a toy,I'm also a human who had feelings, emotions,who too feels the pain and gets hurt,now I had taken my decision that I won't go back in their life's,I know my decision will give raghav a life long pain but its fine for me,its my way of giving them the punishment of love and now I had decided to spend rest of my life for the betterment of girls,so that whatever happens with me doesn't happen with other girl,I know alone I can't change the society but atleast I can try and I will try but still somewhere I feels sad for raghav but its said na that some stories are meant to be left incomplete, may be mine and raghav story was one of them in which mil kar bhi hum na miley...