

Dune Buggy Mayhem: Peaches 🍑 and Heard 📣
"I spent the evening with the radio ... Reunited and it feels so good!"
Peaches and Herbs (Reunited)


A #Writco Comedy Series


E. Carmen


Things had been getting pretty hot for our little 'Love Bug' on the streets lately. So, Herbie decided to keep her in the Barn for a little while until things cooled off a bit. But that by no means meant he showed her no affection, huh-uh. He gave her another fresh coat of paint, and even extended her tail end a bit further to add to her top speed and mobility. He also added hydraulics to her chassis and expanded her axles for a few extra surprises. Instead of four wheels, he added duplicates that rode above the others just in case they were popped; and, he added a broadband speaker system onto her crown that could interrupt radio waves.

Funny, Herbie thought he heard her sigh with relief, but he chuckled. That could not be!

After he had finished (took a few days) he treated himself to a picnic out back behind his ranch, going fishing. He saw a young woman there, in a long flowy blue and yellow dress, short curly ebony hair.

"Come here often," Herbie asked.

She kept casting her line. "Only when the air is right."

Herbie stroked his chin as he selected his lure. "Seen you here a couple times before; but like the wind, I was never able to catch up to you."

She smiled. "Well, you know what they say? You wanna catch the girl, you gotta go with the wind, not against it." She yanked up as she made a catch. It was purty.

Herbie chose a really fat one, a juicy earthworm fully engorged.

She laughed. "Oh, I don't think you'll want to use that!"

"Well, why the hell not?"

"Because, I snagged a real monster of a carp today, and it broke my rod and reel. I've seen yours, it doesn't stand a prayer."

Herbie looked at his Rod. Indeed, it really was pretty flimsy alright; but, could he still catch it?

Later that evening they were both sitting at campfire eating fish she'd caught (yeah, he broke his fishing rod 😂) and talking about the County Race.

"REALLY," she laughed. "You didn't even enter and she won!? That's so Funny!"

Herbie smiled. "Well, it really is the Car. Just something intrinsic about her, I don't know what it is. But she's Amazing. I love her."

She grew silent at that. "Well you know, you're not the first to drive that car. There were previous owners."

"Nobody owns that Car," he chuckled.

She again met his stare. "Oh I know," she looked intently into his Hazel Eyes now. "I'm just saying that they tend to become one with her, you know. Like a relationship."


"I mean it's weird," she put both hands onto his lap. "By the end, it became a relic because people were afraid to even touch her. And that's how you found it. As a discarded husk."

Herbie stood up, still chewing on an oat of fish. "Well discarded or not, my Father drove that Bug till his dying day; and made me sware to him as a boy I'd eventually find her, and take care of her as long as I live."

She stood as well. Embracing him, she leaned in close to his ear. "You know, speaking as a mother, I'm only asking you to be careful. And watch out for you own Heart."

Herbie shivered and turned to look out onto the waters. An Iridescent sheen glazed the Horizon as the Sun set, and a small Bow graced the sky just beyond two small puffy clouds. Butterflies and Lighting Bugs flittered and fluttered about as he turned back; but the woman was gone.

Herbie shed a Tear.

He was lost in the Moment, when he heard an enormous obnoxiously horrendous sound emanating from the Car.


Herbie sprinted back to the Love Bug as quickly as his tall legs could (which were pretty quick as a matter of fact 🦵🏼 👟 ) to see what the issue was.

The Beetle was playing 'Peaches and Herbs' "Count On Me" fully Blasted and unending. The addition of the Crown Speakers just made it absolutely unbearable, and he had to muff his ears to make it inside the vehicle.


Herbie tried adjusting the Volume, but with every turn it got louder and LOUDER. Finally, he screamed out in pain, as he decided to drive it to an auto mechanic buddy of his.

As he drove down the street, with the Bug literally bouncing from the musical reverberations and added hydraulics, wouldn't you know it?

Ole Faithful was behind him, vehemently demanding he'd pull over.

As he did, he heard (surprisingly) the officer slam his door in a raging huff.

"TURN OFF THAT RACKET THIS MINUTE!" The Officer screamed at the top of his lungs.

Herbie threw up his hands. "I tried," he cried forth, "but she won't shut up!"

"WELL YOU BETTER," he continued to bark his way. "Or I'll tow you BOTH into Jail!!"

Herbie was at a loss as he continued to turn knob after knob. Finally, from both the incessant noises from the Car, and the Jerk, he bolted away.

Of course, leaving behind a nice plume of smoke and dust for the Sheriff.

Hot on his tail, the Police Car followed.

But this time, Herbie was ready! He extended his axles and headed for a double narrow bridge barely made by two logs. The Officer tried to follow and his car sagged along its rim, causing him to ride on two wheels.

He squealed.

Landing with a 'THUD!' he proceeded forth finding Herbie a ways ahead. So he zipped down a shortcut only he knew!

"Oh I gotcha THIS time!" He exclaimed.

As he came upon the clearing, he saw Herbie coming toward him across the short creek, fast, and smiled.

"Yeah this time you'll go for a DRINK!"

But Herbie wasn't slowing down; in fact, he speeded up, running right into the creek treading water! 💦

The Sheriff, infuriated, followed him in and almost immediately sank!

Raising his fists again, he battled off the unholy monstrosity of a Carp, staring bug-eyed at him.

Herbie evaded his clutches, sound and all, once again!

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© I Am MichAel