

Cold Planet (chapter 5)
The forgotten son

#writeco #writecostores
#scifistories #sciencefiction #scifinoir

His eyes will tell you everything. The hurt,the anger, the absolute taste for power peering behind his thin glasses and greed scaling across his face. He sits at his desk, tubes running out of his vines pumping hydro into his body keeping him high. A high that keeps him on course to continue his reign of terror on the underbelly of our city. An Artillian women sits across from him trembling in fear. Behind her two men walk up to her chair pull a blade out and slice her throat. It's almost like he enjoys watching her green blood flow down onto the floor. They drag her out the door and two A.I units come in and start cleaning the mess.

His father had a seat in the empire and was responsible for the planets borders opening. He did not agree with the decision and has spiraled ever since. Money has never been a problem for him, raised with everything he needed, he took his assets and built an underground empire smuggling drugs and weapons through the city, building his reputation as some sort of activist. He has gained his popularity with the humans raging against the other races on the back of the human equality brand and funding it all by dirty money. Unfortunately me my department, we can never gain enough substantial evidence against him. I blame our under funded police department however I t are alot of the blame. I have let him slip through my grip everything I've gotten close, now it seems he is coming after me personally. I don't blame him, I am the one that made him look like a cancer patient covered in tube. He probably still has the holes in chest my N-121 put in him. I did 8 months in lock up for that and almost completely lost everything including my badge for it however I'd do it all over again if I could. The forgotten son. A name I can't get out of my head no matter how hard I try...... We will meet again, and this time I'm ending it all

© Thomas Portella Jr