

The Shadow Haunter

The Truth

As Adeline found that the unknown feeling was love, since then she had always been a dreamer, about his rugged good looks, his confident manner, everything about him drew her in like a magnet.

As Adeline and Danya sat chatting in a cozy coffee shop, a wave of excitement and confusion washed over her.

She had never felt a love so pure and powerful as the one she felt for Zack, the mysterious man she had only just met. It was as though she had known him all her life.

Adeline couldn't contain her excitement as she gushed about Zack and the powerful connection she felt with him.

But as Danya listened to Adeline's giddy words, a slight frown creased her brow. Finally, she spoke up. 'We have found that the unknown feeling was love, but did you know what he does for a living, how much money he makes? Was he involved in illegal activities?' Danya's question brought her crashing back to reality.

Adeline's heart sank at the thought that the man she had fallen for might be a criminal, a mafia boss, or worse.

Unable to shake off Danya's words, Adeline decided to confront Zack about his mysterious past the next time they meet.

On that evening, Adeline got a message from Zack.

Zack: 'Hey Little mouse, wanna have dinner together?'.

By reading this message, she thought it was the best chance to ask Zack about his lifestyle.

She replied: 'Yeah, I will be ready in time.'


(At the restaurant)

As she nervously sat across from him in a quaint little Italian restaurant, she started to ask about his lifestyle.

She was hoping that everything she thought about would not be true. He should be a good man, who works in company,even though he gets less income.

She steeled herself for his reply. To her surprise, Zack's answer was not what she had expected.

He revealed that he was not just any ordinary man - he was the best cyber-terrorist in the world, a master hacker with unparalleled skills in military tactics.

But instead of using his talents for personal gain or destruction, he used them to fight against criminals and help those in need. He used his power and influence to protect the innocent and bring justice to the oppressed.

And when he revealed to Adeline that at first he had been stalking her to protect her from human traffickers, but by the time he saw her, he fell in love at first sight. So he continued to stalk with the feeling of love.

After hearing this, her admiration for him only grew. For Adeline, falling in love with Zack was not a choice - it was destiny.

She saw in him a man of strength, intelligence, and compassion, a man who was willing to risk everything to make the world a better place.

As she learned the truth, she was relieved and overjoyed. Adeline felt her heart swell with love for Zack even more.

She realized that love was not about what someone did for a living or how much money they made.

It was about the connection between two souls, the deep understanding and acceptance of each other's flaws and strengths.

As the evening wore on, Adeline and Zack talked and laughed, their love grew stronger with each passing moment. And as they walked hand in hand through the city streets, Adeline knew that she had found her true soulmate, someone who loved her just as fiercely as she loved him.

And in that moment, all doubts and fears melted away, leaving only the pure and unadulterated feeling of love.


© Shafiya