

The Lone Girl (Chapter: 10)

“This doesn’t seem right.” Audrey mumbled under her breath. “What are your views on this, fellas?” I could not even stand firm. I was unsteady, troubled and agitated, “She is missing and someone needs to find her before it’s too late.” Audrey shook her head, “Look it’s written as Prim Woods here. Isn’t it Primewoods?” Jason and I slapped our foreheads spontaneously, “Are you serious right now,” said Jason lacking any expression. I held Audrey’s hand firmly and said, “Actually Primewoods is the derivative of Prim Woods.

Back in the late 19th century, when the orphanage was not yet built, that entire orchard was known for its choicest wild red Prim roses that bloomed in thousands. It was a noted area for its forest vegetation there. That’s how it derived the name Prim Woods. Centuries later, the town’s Children’s home was built right next to the orchard, so naturally it was called Prim Woods Children’s home. But lately, they decided to give it a fancy name and so the named altered from Prim to Prime. Many townsmen aren't aware of the new term.

“Oh! I see.......Seems like whoever wrote this has outdated info,” Audrey said gazing at the notice. I was a bit bothered thinking of Eva. My two buddies and I gave quick exchanges of goodbyes and I was on my way home.

Every nook and cranny had the missing report pinned on walls, trees, lamp posts, post boxes and even houses. It seemed like this would be the juicy gossip of the town for weeks. I even heard two ladies say, “That poor girl’s parents and her sibling were murdered in cold blood. Maybe the attacker has intended to strike again to finish her off without further ado.” I shuddered as I thought of it. “Dear God!”

She cannot die at such a young age. I certainly needed to have a few words with Ms. Clarette. I went home, took a nice, warm shower, then had a good nap and woke up at about half past seven.

I felt fresh and active enough to phone Ms. Clarette. “Hello, it’s me Jessie. I need to speak to you.” Ms. Clarette spoke in a grief-stricken voice, “What is it Jessie? I hope you’re feeling good.” “I’m fine Miss. Tell me I can be of some help to you.”
Ms. Clarette mournfully said, “You can’t dear. The town mayor is planning to shut this place down and send the kids to another home. They conclude that the authorities of this institute are responsible for her disappearance.” “My goodness” I exclaimed, “That’s dreadful. It’s more severe than I assumed it to be. I need to uncover her past. Are you comfortable enough to speak to me? Ms. Clarette took in a deep breath and started to speak. “Evangeline Merida Jones was born to Jones and Merida as their second and only girl child. They were sufficed to any form of finance. She’s called as Eva Jones in short by everyone. When she was eleven years old, her parents and her older brother- Edward, died of severe wounds resulting from a vicious death. Further no more of it was heard. Firstly because there were no adequate witnesses or evidences. Secondly the incident was to be kept private by their closest relatives.

No resource provides news as to who is the assassin or why they were killed at. She was soon sent to some distant relative to continue her schooling after the incident. Those relatives looked after her for two years but they inevitably had to join her in this home as she was violent and having constant psychological breakdowns. We asked all about her and willingly made a space. We did the best we could for her. It was exactly a month ago when Mrs. Agnes came here with Felicia to take care of the kids.” “Can you tell me a little about Agnes?” I interrupted.

“She too had a very dark past like Eva but she seems to be getting along well here. She didn’t want Felicia to become an innocent victim of her abusive spouse. She told me that she murdered her husband out of sheer self-defense. The police removed all charges against her after she unraveled the whole thing at the court. But I guess all that has settled down by now. She is extremely distraught on hearing about Eva. She goes out on every snowy night searching for her. She says that she cannot carry on her work if she doesn’t find Eva. She says that she knows Eva well enough to be disturbed for her.

“Every misery is more than meets the eye. It has its own dark, untold beginnings," I gently whispered.

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