

"A boy who cried wolf"

Once upon a time, in a village nestled between rolling hills, there lived a mischievous boy named Tim. Bored of the quiet village life, Tim devised a plan to spice things up. He started crying, "Wolf! Wolf!" just for fun, sending the villagers into a frenzy each time.

At first, the villagers rushed to his aid, only to find no wolf. But Tim found it amusing, so he kept doing it. Soon, the villagers grew tired of Tim's pranks. One day, when a real wolf appeared, Tim cried for help, but no one believed him. They thought it was just another trick.

Sadly, Tim learned his lesson too late. The wolf attacked the village's sheep, and Tim realized the consequences of his actions. From that day on, Tim was no longer seen as a playful boy but as someone who couldn't be trusted. The villagers had learned to distinguish between cries for help and cries for attention.
It's a beacon of life