

Hidden From Sight
“I’m here, I’m here,” screamed Rolo. But no one seemed to notice his cries for help.
Earlier in the evening, ten-year old Rolo and his friends were playing hide and seek. He hid in the bushes and was very sure that he would not be found. After an hour, he was nowhere to be seen. His friends called out his name but to no avail. They thought that he must have gone home. So they decided to head for home too.
At eight o’clock in the evening, he didn’t return home for dinner. His parents were frantic and went to his friends’ house to ask about his whereabouts. But they thought he had returned home. So a search for Rolo began that evening. With sniffer dogs, police and the villagers, they combed the area.
Rolo was jumping up and down, waving to the search team but they didn’t seem to notice. When it was dark, the search was called off. Rolo was so sad and frightened.
That night, a man in a white robe appeared before Rolo and said, “Go back to where you came from. You are not welcomed in our community. You have angered the people here by disrespecting the place.” At that very instant, Rolo opened his eyes and began to find his way home.
Rolo’s parents were so glad that Rolo was still alive and well. He relayed how he saw the search team but his screams were not heard by them because he was clouded by the veil of the ‘whistling people or supernatural beings’ which were invisible to humans.
As superstition has it, humans are advised not to go into the forest at dusk as the supernatural beings come out at that time.
© autumnB