

How to marry Corona Karmakar.
An Online Class in 2041.
Lockdown Mukherjees private comment box.

"Bro,Please get her know that I love her."
Message from Sanitizer Shasthri

"Are You Serious?."

"You haven't even got a glimpse of her face,its 3 weeks already,did she ever remove the mask for you?.."

"Didn't she tell you that She will only send her face after marriage.She still doesn't trust you yaar.She faces trust issues."

Reply Messages from Lockdown crowded in Sanitizers private feed.

"I know her.I can read her from her eyes...I think she's into me."
Notified Sanitizer.

Lockdown became busy typing replies.

"No bro.How could you think that,you may not be even a pinned screen on her zoom app.There are millions out there.It's a common platform of university."

"Just because she replied to your doubts doesn't imply that's a romantic inclination.Don't watch those cheesy old gen flicks,watch sci-fi movies released in OTT last day .We are facing this problem due to that stupid old generation."

"You know nothing of her.Not even her full name.
Is she Corona Karmakar or Corona Yadav.How can you find her family background by just her user name Corona2020."

"Be practical Yaar"

Sanitizer Shasthri replied.
"Its still a wonder that people are bothered about castes,even if they couldn't even breathe with confidence."

Sanitizer Shasthri.
Last Seen 1 minutes ago.