

Outside ...of my home ..looking in
It was a bright summer's day .I was outside of my home looking ..in...I captured a moment within my home ..that left footprints in my heart that will be ever be erased.

I had a glimpse of my dad ..cooking my favourite food because he knew I was coming home that Friday ..I saw my little brother yeshiel ..who was five at thst time..playing the piano...softly..He also had a glimpse of me .through the window ..Yesh..waved at me...and smiled..and waved at me. He said dad...look who's outside ...So they came outside ..to where I was standing ...and greeted me...

My mum accompanied them ..I was so happy to see them...We all then went inside our beautiful home...our haven...and heavenly paradise ...which my dad so brilliantly desighned...My mum decorated our home to look so warm and loving.

What really adds beauty to my home ...is the beautiful souls within our home...My family adds brightness and light to our home. .My niece Ali and nephew baby Zeri ..adds colour to our home ..They light up our home with their jovial personality ..and their laughter ..and smiles ...My big brother Ash and my beautiful sister in law...is also very welcoming ...whenever my son yush and I come to visit...

We enjoy the beauty of the moment as everyone is so happy to see each other. My dad always buys gifts for my son yush...whenever he knows we are coming ...

So on that particular day...my dad bought yush a moon ball...Yush treasures any gift...especially because it came from his grand father . We had the best time of our lives that special weekend ..Little had I known that ..it was the last weekend I'll ever see my dad.

He passed away ...one month later ..due to the COVID pandemic ...I can recall how tears rolled down my cheeks the moment I got the news...that my dad had passed away.

I felt so heartbroken...and my life seemed so cold and bleak now ..but with time we all overcame my dad's passing on...

My advice to you is don't take your family and friends for granted ...Make the best of your time on earth...like what my dad did. He lived his life as an example to others ..which was to be of a humble nature . jovial and he was filled with zest and enthusiasm for life.

Basically he loved His life..and he became the owner of the biggest aluminium companies in kwa Zulu natal ..He lived His life as a legacy ..

Years have now passed and I still visit my mum...I still stood and glance through the window ....and I envisioned my dad that day . I miss him so much ...may his legacy live on...Therefore I'm sharing my story with the world..My dad taught me to never give up...no matter what I have to endured in life...So my advice to you ..is always tell your loved ones you love them today..don't wait fot tomorrow...because what if tomorrow never comes...