

Boundaries And Disrespect
What Are Boundaries- They are setting up certain things like rules and things that you're not willing to tolerate from your friends, family or even a personal relationship. When you set those boundaries and they're not willing to change and they're not willing to accept those boundaries then that is a sign that they never cared about you from the get-go. That is also a sign that they are so self involved and in their own self pity that they're not willing to listen to your concerns. Because if they cared about you they would accept those boundaries and they would sit down and listen to you about what's bothering you at that point in time.
Disrespect- If someone starts to disrespects you no matter what you sit there and say. Then that becomes a problem then that is when you have to think about setting those boundaries. You have to let them know that you are not going to tolerate the disrespect any longer. Once you set those boundaries and they still keep up with the disrespect then and only then you might have to think about cutting off the friendship or relationship, and that is just to protect your own well being. Because a toxic friendship or relationship can take a lot out of you. But it is up to you what you are willing to tolerate from those type of people. Sometimes you have to do things for your own peace of mind.
💖 © Tabara1975💖