

A few days back I met a lad at a book fair.He appeared charming and friendly, had put on a bright jacket over a light colored shirt 👕 had a mop of unruly , little untidy hair and intelligent eyes.
I struck a conversation with him.
' hello , what do you do? '
I was direct and brusque.
He looked at me and his mischievous eyes twinkled.
' I am an anagram solver.,"
he quipped.
Sorry ? I looked blank.
ROSY...he chuckled.
I thought it was a prank.
Still, I was intrigued so, our conversation took shape. He was accurate and fast, sure to make no mistakes.I raised my palm STOP I said.
Immediate rejoinder
Excited, I pointed to my eyes
SEE...he smiled.
By now, my mind had started spinning searching for more words in everyday use.I was thoroughly enjoying , wanted to test him more , so, I refused to give up.
I uttered a word ,he immediately changed it with an anagram.Trust me it was fun.
Knee... KEEN
Heart.... EARTH
Listen..... SILENT.
I wanted to go on and on.I was clearly amazed and so impressed with this wizard of a lad.His parting shot was the best...
'don"t be STRESSED maam Relax.... Let's have some
DESSERT instead 😋.
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