

The White Tiger

There was a new addition in the zoo, a white tiger. A novelty and a curiosity.
Brought to our zoo, (which was almost a playground for us due to it's close proximity from our home) from Delhi the Tiger of the Rewa strain descendant of the famous Mohan first captured and bred by the Maharaja of Rewa, was a big attraction.
We children were fascinated by it and inspite of the foul stench of meat around him was watched from close quarters and made to roar for us by the keeper.
But due to a fallout of inbreeding he started developing a cancerous wound on his hind after a few years, and we used to see him trying to lick and chew away the cancerous growth.
It was such a heart rending thing to see him suffer thus.
And it was a liberation from pain for him when he breathed his last.

© Anuj Jain