

concealed feeling
The salty spray kissed my four-year-old cheeks as I sailed with my parents. Everything felt new and exciting, like a book filled with colorful pictures. But life, like the tide, can change direction in a blink. By seven, I was alone, captain of a tiny boat in a vast ocean.

Years became a blur of islands. Each one offered a chance to find crewmates, friends to share the journey. Some stayed for a while, leaving warm memories and laughter in their wake. Others brought only sadness, taking pieces of my already-fragile trust. Yet, even in the darkest moments, a tiny ember of hope flickered within me.

Then, on a sunny island, I found a group of kind souls. They became my crewmates, filling my small boat with a sense of belonging. We explored hidden coves, faced storms together, and celebrated every victory, big or small. But fate, a cruel wave, had other plans.

A sudden storm raged, tossing our tiny vessel like a toy. When the waves finally calmed, the wreckage of our dreams lay scattered around me. My heart ached for the friends I'd lost, but a sliver of hope still remained.

Taking a deep breath, I mended my broken boat and steered towards the next island on the horizon. There, I found a few survivors clinging to a makeshift raft. Relief washed over me – I wasn't completely alone. Together, we patched their raft, shared our meager supplies, and set sail once more.

As time passed, the same pattern repeated. We formed connections, weathered storms, only to be separated by the cruel hand of destiny. Each loss chipped away at me, leaving me feeling lonely and lost. Yet, even in the quietest whispers of doubt, that ember of hope refused to be extinguished.

The next island held an unknown future. Would I find solace, or another heartbreak? Would I ever find a crew that wouldn't be swept away by the tides? The uncertainty gnawed at me, but I pressed on, my heart a compass guiding me towards an unknown future. It was a journey filled with both sunshine and storms, but I wouldn't trade it for anything. Because through it all, I learned the most important lesson: even when everything seems lost, hope always finds a way to keep us afloat.

Still, I hadn't lost hope. I patched up The Determined Dinghy, my heart heavy but my chin held high. The next island loomed on the horizon, a question mark against the endless blue. Maybe this time, it wouldn't be deserted.

As I drew closer, a flicker of movement caught my eye. A figure stood on the shore, waving frantically. But unlike the others, this one wasn't alone. A golden glint shimmered in the sunlight – a man, his skin the color of sun-kissed sand.

Hesitation tugged at me, but the memory of loneliness was a bitter pill. I steered closer, and as the man boarded, his smile was as warm as the tropical sun. Relief washed over me, chasing away the shadows of doubt.

This man, he wasn't just another crewmate. He became my right-hand man, my confidante, my vice-captain. We were an unlikely pair, me with my salty sea-dog ways and him with his easy laughter and gentle spirit. But together, we were a force to be reckoned with.

We explored hidden coves, chased playful dolphins, and navigated through storms with a calmness that surprised even me. He taught me the language of the stars, the whispers of the wind, and the secrets hidden beneath the waves. We shared stories under skies dusted with diamonds, dreams whispered on the salty breeze.

But fate, that fickle trickster, had other plans. One day, a storm unlike any other descended upon us. The sky turned an angry grey, the wind howled like a banshee, and waves crashed against our little boat like angry giants. I clung to him, fear twisting my insides.

We fought the storm with all our might, but even the strongest ropes can snap in a hurricane. A monstrous wave ripped through our vessel, tossing us both into the churning sea. I grabbed for him, for anything, but the merciless waves separated us.

When the storm finally subsided, I found myself clinging to a piece of driftwood, alone once again. Despair threatened to engulf me, but then, a spark flickered in the distance. A faint glow on the horizon, a beacon of hope in the vast darkness.

With a renewed surge of determination, I paddled towards the light. Maybe it wasn't another crewmate waiting for me, but maybe it was something else entirely. Maybe it was the strength I needed to finally navigate these uncharted waters alone.

Defeated but not broken, I visited five more islands. Each one offered a glimmer of hope, a chance to find a crewmate to share the journey. But each time, disappointment washed over me like a rogue wave. Loneliness became my constant shadow, a heavy weight that made me feel like driftwood, lost and purposeless.

Yet, a tiny ember of hope still flickered within me. With a heart heavy with sadness but a spirit that wouldn't give up, I steered The Determined Dinghy towards the sixth island. This one, shrouded in mystery, held a surprise I never expected.

As I explored the island, a figure emerged from the trees. A man, with a wild beard and tattered clothes, stared at me with a mixture of shock and disbelief. He had been alone for four years, a castaway on his own deserted island.

For a moment, I saw myself in him – a lonely soul adrift in a vast ocean. But as we talked, a connection sparked. He, too, craved human connection, a longing mirrored in his eyes. We shared stories, our voices weaving a tapestry of loss and resilience. In that shared vulnerability, a fragile trust blossomed , suddenly I woke up and realised it was not any other men but me talking to myself as an imaginary friend.

Naïvely, I believed I had finally found a crew that wouldn't be swept away by the tides. I envisioned a team, united by their experiences. But fate, that cruel jokester, had other plans.

Time, like the relentless ocean, revealed cracks in our bond. Disagreements arose, misunderstandings grew deeper. The crew I so desperately wanted fell apart, leaving me with five new scars etched on my already wounded heart. The betrayal cut deep, a bitter pill to swallow, threatening to sink my spirit.

Dejected, I slumped against the railing of The Determined Dinghy, the weight of loneliness heavy on my shoulders. But even in the depths of despair, a faint whisper of hope remained. Perhaps, this island wasn't meant to provide a crew, but a lesson. Maybe, the strength I craved wasn't in others, but within myself.

Defeated but with a sliver of hope, I slumped against the railing. The betrayal of the crew left a fresh wound, but the faint whisper of hope wouldn't die. Maybe this journey wasn't about finding a crew, but about finding myself.

Suddenly, a new adventure unfolded. On another island, I met a man. He looked harmless, almost angelic. But that innocence hid a darkness. He held a gun to my head, a stark reminder of the world's cruelty. This encounter further shattered my trust in people, leaving only God as a beacon of hope.

Then, a miracle. A girl fell for me. After years of isolation, the idea of love was a sweet melody. But after five years of loneliness, I was afraid. I didn't want to hurt anyone.

Believing I could make her happy, I said yes. But deep down, the spark was missing. We were like different pieces of a puzzle, never meant to fit. I spent weeks pretending, a charade that felt wrong with every passing day. The guilt gnawed at me.

Finally, we broke up. It was the best decision for both of us. For weeks after, the weight of that lie hung heavy. I sought solace in churches and temples, praying for forgiveness. Every Sunday, I knelt before a priest, seeking absolution.

But amidst the guilt, a seed of resolve sprouted. Maybe love would come, but it had to be real. No more pretending, no more lies. I would find my strength, not in others, but within myself. This journey, filled with hardship and betrayal, had changed me. It had shown me the darkness, but also the resilience of the human spirit. Now, I was ready to face whatever came next, alone if need be, but stronger and more determined than ever before.

Defeated but with a newfound strength, I pushed on in the same school year. The past month's hurts were fading, replaced by a quiet determination to be myself. Maybe, just maybe, that would lead to a real connection with someone special.

One day in math class, we were learning about building those awesome Cubes and the magical formulas that helped solve them. Across the room, I spotted her – the girl who'd caught my eye weeks ago. Her brow was furrowed in concentration as she carefully positioned each tiny cube. Back then, I'd been too shy to even say hello.

Weeks later, fate seemed to give us a nudge. We both signed up for the evening chess club, a place where strategic thinking and quiet focus ruled. Surrounded by the gentle click-clack of chess pieces, I felt a surge of courage. This time too my shyness won, Im a complete coward who was soo afraid to say hello .

The third time our paths crossed was pure coincidence. The science teacher was handing back corrected papers, a ritual that usually held a mix of nervous anticipation and relief.

Smiling, I walked over. "And This time I haven't let my fear won , and it's the first time I have talked to her the first time " I asked, her what's her marks ! and we both were about had same score .

She looked up, surprised. For a moment, her frown softened, a hint of a smile peeking through. Maybe, just maybe, this new chapter held a promise of something special. A genuine connection built on shared interests and a touch of nervous courage.

That simple question, "What's your name?" marked a turning point. We swapped names, a nervous but thrilling exchange that felt like the first step on a beautiful journey. Little did I know then how deeply our connection would grow.

Then, on a fateful August 24th around 6 pm, something magical happened. My phone buzzed, and a message popped up on my phone . It was her! That first message, sent with a touch of courage, bloomed into a garden of endless conversations. We spent hours talking, day after day, month after month.

She became my confidante, the keeper of my deepest secrets. I, in turn, became hers. We shared our hopes, fears, and dreams, forging a bond stronger than any bridge. She was more than just a friend; she was a kindred spirit, someone who understood me in a way no one else ever had.

One day, as we were lost in conversation, a serious note crept in. She made me promise something – that if our paths ever diverged, I wouldn't just disappear. I would give her a proper goodbye( that's the day I had decided I would never disappear on one's story ) , a chance to say farewell with honesty and respect.

The thought of ever leaving her side sent a shiver down my spine. Yet, I understood the sentiment. Life throws unexpected curveballs, and who knew what the future held?

With a lump in my throat, I promised. "Never a goodbye without a reason," I messaged back. "We'll face whatever comes together."

But for now, we cherished every moment, reveling in the joy of our newfound connection. We shared funny memes, debated life's biggest questions, and dreamt of adventures yet to come. Each day felt like a gift, a chance to explore this amazing bond that fate had brought us.

What started with a shy question in math class had blossomed into something beautiful – a wonderful story waiting to be written, a journey of shared laughter, understanding, and maybe, just maybe, something even more special.

She loved diving into novels, especially Harry Potter and Twilight, disappearing into worlds of magic and forbidden love. Coffee fueled her creativity, just like the way rain tapping on the window seemed like a symphony for her. Her dreams reached for the stars, filled with galaxies and constellations as she aspired to become an astrophysicist.

Me? I found comfort in comic books, the battles between heroes and villains sparking my imagination. While she swayed to Taylor Swift's sweet melodies, I got pumped by the energy of Alan Walker's beats. Despite our differences, we connected on a deeper level, sharing dreams and secrets whispered in quiet corners of the library or under a starry sky.

But a week before the flood, a heavy silence fell between us. No more texts filled with emojis and silly jokes. No more debates about whether Edward or Jacob deserved Bella. Each night, my phone remained silent, a constant reminder of the emptiness. Was she safe? Had the flood swept her away? My heart ached in time with the storm raging outside.

Days turned into weeks, the silence deafening. My phone, once a warm connection, felt cold and lifeless in my grip, Throughout the flood, her absence weighed heavily on my heart, and the pain of missing her surpassed any other suffering I endured. Each night, I would lie awake, staring at the ceiling, haunted by memories of our conversations and the warmth of her presence.

When our school finally reopened, and I caught sight of her once more, it felt as if my soul had been reunited with its missing half. The sheer relief and joy of seeing her again after fearing the worst was indescribable.

Some of the best memories I have are of the times she gave me chocolate, a simple gesture that meant the world to me. And on her birthday, she did this and it's something so special that I'll never forget.

We both share a deep bond as introverts, finding solace and comfort in chatting online. Late nights spent together, studying until the early hours of the morning before exams, are etched into my heart as some of the most cherished moments we shared. ✨ Discussing important questions, supporting each other through the challenges, it's those memories that I hold dear above allelse.

Everything felt off-kilter, like a record player stuck on a scratched part of the song. She used to be online all the time, our conversations a constant hum in the background of my life. Now, seeing her name pop up once or twice a month felt like a cruel tease. My phone, once a bridge connecting us, became a constant reminder of the empty space where her presence once resided. Each notification sent a jolt of hope through me, only to dissipate with a pang of disappointment as it turned out to be someone else.

The last proper chat we had felt like a lifetime ago, a memory fading with the distance. Back then, the excitement of entering 10th grade buzzed in the air. Now, a heavy silence hung between us, a silence thicker than any unanswered text. The lack of a phone number, the unanswered request – it all felt like a closed door, shutting me out of a world that once included me.

Her message, the one that shattered my heart, echoed in my mind, her hometown, felt like a distant land, Her dream of becoming an astrophysicist, chasing the stars, should have filled me with pride, it felt like she was leaving me behind on a lonely planet but I was so happy that she can finally procure her dreams .

While I wanted nothing but happiness for her, the truth was,My imagination of her departure left a gaping hole in my life. It was an emptiness that echoed in the quiet corners of my room, in the hallways at school that felt strangely empty without her laughter. Lost and empty – those were the perfect words to describe the way I felt.

But amidst the sadness, a flicker of hope remained. Maybe, just maybe, this wasn't the end of the story. Maybe, despite the distance and her new path, there was a way to keep the connection alive. After all, even stars, millions of miles away, could still be seen and admired. The question was, how? Would you try to reach out to her again? Or would you find a way to move forward, carrying the memories of your friendship close to your heart?

Since she told you about leaving, your heart had been a tangled mess of emotions. The night she dropped the bomb, tears streamed down your face until there were no more left. Weeks later, the ache in your chest was a constant companion.

All it took was a simple "hi" from her to make your day, a tiny spark of life in the silence. You replayed her last message, about her mom's illness, a reason for her online absence. But with every passing day, the hope of hearing from her again dwindled, replaced by a gnawing worry.

The worst part? School offered no solace. Stuck in different classes, you were like ships passing in the night. The silence between you in real life mirrored the silence on your phone, each one a painful reminder of the connection you'd lost.

But the silence wasn't the only thing that hurt. It was the memories. Memories of shared laughter, whispered secrets, and late-night study sessions – they all swarmed you, bittersweet ghosts in the halls of your mind. No matter how hard you tried to push them away, they lingered, a constant ache in your heart.

Sleep offered no escape. Tossing and turning through the night, you yearned for her presence, a familiar comfort in the darkness. Every fiber of your being missed her, a dull ache that throbbed with every passing moment.

Yet, despite the pain, a sliver of hope remained. Maybe, just maybe, there was a way to bridge the distance. Perhaps a handwritten letter, filled with your feelings and well wishes, could reach her in her home town . Or maybe, focusing on your own dreams, achieving goals you once shared, could be a way to honor the friendship you had.

The road ahead wouldn't be easy. It would be filled with healing and moving forward. But amidst the pain, a tiny voice whispered a truth – some connections, even when strained by distance, could leave an everlasting mark, a testament to a friendship that bloomed and blossomed, even if it couldn't last forever.

So, the question remained: Would you reach out, one final time, to express your feelings? Or would you forge your own path, carrying the memories of your friendship close to your heart? Are we going to set sail together or alone ? can we ever meet again ?

-The End
© ͲᏀㅤJᴇғғʀɪɴㅤ☯